Ch 4

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I stood there hidden behind a torn down building holding a baby wrapped up in a dirty torn blanket. My mom had kicked me out the house and Tanner got tired of the late night crying

My hair was a mess and my hazel eyes wild. The cold concrete floor did nothing but continuously scrape my legs

Then through the small space between the two buildings came a boy. His brown hair swept to up to the side and blue eyes glistened in the sun

"Tiffany?" He asked tentatively, I stood there rocking the baby back and forth willing it to sleep

He took two steps closer as I back up into the filthy brick wall. He stared at me with a horror. His blue eyes met the baby in my hand. I saw his adam's apple move up and down as he took a large gulp

"Tiffany" he tried again, his voice cracking at the end

"Tiffany!!" A voice called out awaking me from my sleep

I looked around to see my mother standing above me "Get to school" she said before disappearing through my bedroom door

With all my might I drowsily lifted myself up into a sitting position and rubbed my hand over my tired face. My head was spinning. I sat still to see if the urge to vomit would arise, when nothing happened I slowly got up and entered the bathroom. The first time in days when that I was able to stand up relaxed and at ease

The shower relaxed my tense muscles and I took the time washing my hair. I wrapped the towel around me and plugged in the hair dryer, flat iron and curling iron all necessary to look...somewhat presentable. My hair was straightened then curled at the end and I wore a cropped shirt with some tight fitted jeans and regular sneakers, deciding to show off my stomach while I still can, to hell with the uniform I'm pregnant, I will enjoy my body while it lasts. I will enjoy it with Aiden

It is now Monday, with that thought a spark ignited in my stomach. I will be seeing Aiden again but this time knowing I am pregnant. Today is the day I will tell him

I would tell him through text, but this is something that can't be said electronically and besides, he's been too busy with basketball to read my texts

I gave myself a reassuring nod in the mirror before descending down the stairs with a smile plastered on my face

Today will be a good day

The door at the front of the house slammed shut and from the englonged windows I could see my mothers figure walking away

Trent stood in the kitchen bouncing a basketball in one hand and eating a sandwich in the other

"Where's mine?" I asked

He eyed my outfit with a frown, he refrained from saying anything and instead pointed at the counter with his sandwich

Before my hand touched the bread the burning acid in my throat rose and my vision blurred while my head started to spin more forcefully

I ran to the nearest bathroom and yesterday's lunch filled the toilet bowl in a tangy orange color with random chunks inside

Really ? I thought we were done with this

I grunted in frustration and rinsed my mouth then proceeded the enter the kitchen, my appetite long gone, whatever the less I eat the longer I will stay in shape

Trent sighed and finished the sandwich, with the ball close to his chest he grabbed the keys

"Let's roll" he said handing me one of many mint flavored gums I believe he keeps stashed in his pocket

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now