Ch 40

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I stood outside the door, on a small piece of paper glued to the door it said in bold letters 'ONLY 14 AND UP PERMITTED'

I'm passing, barely

I wonder, if I had these babies any sooner would I be allowed to see them?

A nurse opened the door and ushered me in quietly

After sanitizing myself and putting on a yellow gown, I walked towards the small baby hospital cribs

My babies looked angelic, bundled up in hospital blanket

Mason Troy Kingston, born 4 pounds and 6 ounces, June 27 2015 4:22 AM

Madison Tessa Kingston, born 3 pounds and 7 ounces, June 27 2015 4:25 AM

Looking a them so peaceful put my mind at ease, something I didn't feel two days ago


"It hurts" I groaned, the hospital bed felt heavenly against my aching back

"So sad" Trent muttered, his head was back against the wheel chair. He continued to eye the dull ceiling

A few moment later the doctor checked me and announced that I'm ready to begin

But only I'm not, I'm not ready to give up my life. Seven months in preparation, is far too little, not even nine months can prepare me to take on the responsibilities that will come

"I'm just gonna go" Trent said awkwardly, he wheeled himself out the door ignoring my protests

And then I was alone

Fear gripped my bones, sweat trickled down my forehead

I can't do this

Someone spoke in the background but their voice were muffled by my clouded head

A contraction hit, I threw my head back in agony

In this moment I'm alone, In this moment I'm scared

In this moment I hate Aiden for everything that he's worth, I hate him for leaving me all alone

I hate him

And then the pushing began

Flashback end

I gave birth alone, I don't need anyone

I took one look at them and realized that I would do anything for these babies

Tanner was asleep, Trent left, my Grandparents were in Paris and my mom...

I leaned down and kissed their soft rosy cheeks, First Mason then Madison then I was walking out of the room and out of the building

"Finally going home" I said, slipping into the passenger seat

"How come they have to stay in the hospital?" Tanner asked pulling out of the parking lot

Already, I was starting to feel a hole in my chest

"They're premature, and under weight" I told him

He said nothing as we drove home

Everyone was there, my grandparents, Jenna, Aidens siblings, Gabriel, Trent

The were all scattered around the living room/kitchen

My grandma came up to me first, she embraced me in a warm comforting hug, those that take away the loneliness

"How are you?" She asked holding me at arms length, taking the time to examine me

"Fine, sore" I told her

"And the babies?" She asked, looking at me with caring dark blue eyes

"They um, had to stay at the hospital" again, my chest felt hollow

She embraced me once more "it's gonna be okay, now you have time to prepare for the late nights" I groaned "the breastfeeding" another groan "and the crying" I threw my head back letting out a sigh

"Yeah, I guess"

She let me go and Jenna came to me "they say a girl becomes a woman when she has a child"

I looked at her, she looked exactly like my mother except for her face being thinner, my eyes fell down to my shoes then I looked at her again "they also say a girl becomes a woman when she looses her mother, so I guess I've been a woman for a while now"

She reached out a hand and put it on the side of my face, I hid my discomfort well "you haven't lost her yet" she told me and walked off

The living room was still filled with unopened presents, I looked at them then huffed

Everyone came up to me except, Gabriel and Cassandra but I didn't expect them to

I also didn't expect them to start talking, but it doesn't matter anymore because I do not need a boy to keep me entertained, all I need is my little angels

Ah I remember when i gave birth...jk





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