Ch 33

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After coming back to camp around eight, everyone went to their tent and crashed...except me

Trent snored from beside me, blowing hot air straight into the side of my face

I looked at the ceiling unable to fall asleep. The ceiling hold enough nothingness that give your mind enough peace to think, and that exactly what I did, think which never turns out well

Why is it that I can't make a decent friend?

I thought Jaime was decent enough, the she had to be a backstabbing bitch, you know who else is a backstabbing bitch? Hannah

What could she be doing right now? At this very moment? Is she regretting ever sending that video? She should which reminds me

I never really watched the video, I had no need to

My thoughts were cut off when a phone rang, up here in the mountains there was barely any service, sometimes if you're lucky you get it in specific places

Gabriel stood up, muttered under his breath. The stars shined a delicate hue into the tent as he opened it and walked out with his phone in his hand

"Why did you call?" He asked from outside, his voice got lower with every crunch of leaves

I stood up and walked out the tent closing it in the way out

"That's not my problem, I'm not in Massachusetts" I heard Gabriel from afar

I followed his voice through the dark woods, he kept on walking father away from camp

"No" he said fiercely "it's spring break, I deserve a break from your shit"

The lake came into view, the full moon reflected in the sleeping black waters, mirroring the sky full of winking stars sparkling in the night

"I'll deal with the consequences when I get there" he said and finally stuffed his phone away in his pocket

I pulled my big pajama shirt closer to my body as a wind passed over the lake and onto me

Gabriel reached down to take a rock, I assumed, and threw it roughly into the lake "what are you doing here Tiffany?" He said without tuning around

I froze realizing that my ninja skills were lacking "you seemed upset" I said walking beside him

He looked at me with troubled eyes then picked up another rock and threw it "I'm fine" he muttered

I reached down and took a rock of my own "ok let me rephrase this" I threw the rock in the air and catched it "you are upset" I threw the rock into the lake and turned to him "why?"

For a moment he gazed intently at me then tuned back to look at the lake with his jaw locked, he shook his head and threw a rock

I took a step forward until I was right in front of him and wrapped my arms around his waist "why?" I asked again in a whisper

He dropped the collection of rocks in his hand and held me against him tightly, his face hiding in the crook of my neck

He breathed shakily onto my neck and I couldn't help the fire coursing through my body, this contact was unnerving, awakening parts of my body that have never been awakened before, at least not like this

"What happened?" I whispered, Gabriels arms held me just a bit tighter for a second then returned back to his normal strength

"My dads a son of a bitch and my moms a crackhead" he muttered into my hair

I pulled back from him shocked "what?" I asked

He pulled me to him again, sighing and said "my dads a drug dealer and my mom is his number one client"

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