Ch 26

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It was the beginning of spring break, Trent sat in the drivers seat with Carmen on his side. Her legs were crossed-one over the other- and she took on a perfect arch while sitting, which seemed painful due to the length of the ride

Her younger sister, Jaime, sat in the middle, to my right, her a little longer than shoulder length blond hair flowed gracefully in the wind as we sped down the highway. Her green eyes would sometimes  flicker to my window giving me the sight of her full plump lips and rosy cheeks that stood out against her pale face, but most of the time she would constantly look towards the other window where Gabriel sat looking out the window. That one had a much better view, an I'm not talking about outside

A wave of nausea rolled over me accompanied by a blazing headache, I threw my head back against the headrest and tried to focus on my breathing

Trent looked over to me through the mirror "you ok?" He asked over the music

"Car sick" I muttered catching Jaime's curious glance

Trent nodded pushing his lips together into a line and opening my window a bit more letting the icy wind smack against my face, which surprisingly actually helped a little

"I have pills" Jaime said from beside me reaching into her bag

I smiled gratefully at her and took the pill into my hand

"I don't think you need a pill, you'll get over it" Trent said as I reached over towards the water bottle

"It'll make me feel better now" I countered, struggling to open the small packet

"No, Tiffany, you don't need the pill" Trent said slowly as if he were trying to explain something to a child

well I'm no child

"I do" I said finally opening the packet, with the water ready in my hand I reached up to my mouth attempting to throw the pills in until they were both smacked out of my hand and thrown out the open window

The culprit being a very calm looking Gabriel "oops" he muttered and retracted his hand

I sat there shocked for a moment then pouted throwing the packet out the window too "do you have another?" I asked Jaime she shook her head in response and I sighed putting the water bottle in It's original position

That Advil could have saved me from a lot of pain, do they enjoy seeing me suffer?

The car stopped on a nearby mcdonals soon three other cars pulled up next to it

Everyone one got out and greeted each other with loud howls and bro hugs

Never had I been so grateful for land

There seemed to be about fifteen people including me, only about eight of the fifteen were girls, and out of those eight only two other girls seemed to be about my age one being Jaime and the other being a blonde I didn't know the name of yet

Her lips were even fuller than Jaime's covered in a light pink tone, a deep tan coated her skin and she wore no makeup besides fake eyelashes or just really good mascara. From where I stood I couldn't really see her eye color. The word whore immediately came to my head but I quickly shut it down. That's what people think of me and they don't know me

"She looks like a slut" Jaime whispered in my ear as I leaned against the car I shrugged, I was in no place to judge

Gabriel was with Connor making his way inside and I pushed myself off the car to follow after them

Someone fell into step beside me his blond hair slapped the side of his forehead with every bounce "hi Trents little sister" he said looking at me with striking eyes, it looked like there were grey vines on a dark blue background to the cornea and surround it were flecks a light green "I hear your turning fifteen soon" he continued throwing his arm over my should and then leaned in towards my ear "that's good" he breathed and walked off

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