Ch 44

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September 5, 2015

It has been a while now, the burning house still haunted my dreams and sleeping seemed unreachable, not because the babies, in the night they were at the care of the in-house babysitter

Another thing, the babysitter has completely and utterly fallen for Tanner and fallen too deep especially to the dislike of Trent

"She's not ugly" Tanner said

A warm gently breeze whipped around me as the van began gaining speed

Grandma and grandpa both sat in front of us in reclined seats, both entrapped in their own love bubble, it was sickening and sweet at the same time

The driver drove with ease down the highway into Massachusetts

"She's a babysitter" Trent held onto Tanner shoulder leaning in slightly "you're a man with dreams, you can't go after some petty babysitter, high men like us can't have low standards "

Last year, I probably would have agreed with Trent but after being misjudged by people thinking that because I have kids I fuck everything and everyone, I learned and as cliche as it sounds 'you can't judge a book by it's cover' maybe even It's job

"High men?" Tanner asked confused

"Yea, like your highness"

"I personally think she's nice" I told them, closing my eyes and enjoying the wind

"Tiffany, you're only saying that because she takes care of your children" Trent replied

The driver looked at me from the mirror and the sound of children, I gritted my teeth

Mind your own business

"Yea" Tanner agreed

"Yea" Tanner agreed quietly

"I think we should ask grandpa" I told them picking a lint off my shirt, one of many that stayed at our grandparents house

Trent leaned forward "hey, grandpeople"

They both turned to look at him, I guess by now they have gotten used to his weirdness

"When did you two meet?" He asked

Grandpa looked at grandma with loving grey eyes



They stared at each other, their eyes bright, their smiled even brighter

I shuttered trying to cover my jealousy with disgust

"We met in college" grandpa said, grandma giggled shyly

I couldn't stand it anymore, I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes blocking them out with the sound of the wind

I don't need a guy, but it sure feels shitty being lonely

The car has stopped in front of a white two story house, the sun was still shining high in the sky giving it a warm welcomed feeling

My hands automatically reached into the seat pocket and pulled out the camera

Everyone couldn't get out the car slower but when they did and I got out I held in a breath raised the camera up then took the picture letting out a breath of air

"Nice house" Tanner muttered as we all followed behind our grandparents

"Where are we going?" I asked them, we followed a cement trail that led to the door of the house

The grass seemed to glow with life and the smell of the vibrant trees invaded my nostrils

"I hope it's a trap house" Trent whispered towards us, making sure they didn't hear avoiding an unnecessary scold

I laughed a little then skipped towards them

As we got closer to the house it seemed that, instead of white it was just a light yellow

When were were close enough a women opened the door, she welcomed us with a warm smile despite the cold professional outfit she wore

"She's hot" Trent whispered, he was correct of course. Her caramel colored skin shone as brightly as her eyes, the grey pencil skirt she wore displayed the curves of her waist and the white button up had two open buttons at the top

"You said we don't go after people lower than we aim" Tanner whispered back

"Well I never said you can't sleep with them" Trent said

She shook out grandparents hand then Trent immediately walked up. I expected him to shake her hand as well but he brung her hand up to his lips and kissed it

"Trent Jensen, and you are?" He winked at her and I held back the urge to vomit

"Too old for you" she replied snatching her hand back then walking over to Tanner

"Olivia Jones" she told his reaching her hand out

"Tanner Jensen, and unlike my brother I am much more smarter" he told her

She nodded and walked over to me "Olivia Jones" she repeated to me

"I heard" I encased my hand in hers, shaking it twice then saying "Tiffany"

We were in a small pastel green colored foyer, to the left there was a dining room, to the was a small living room and forward was a hallway under the staircase that led to the family room

The house was wonderful, the first floor had one and a half bathrooms, a living room, the dining room, the kitchen, a study. The second floor was full with six bedrooms, each equipped with their own bathroom, two of which had a balcony. The master suite had a walk in closet, the biggest bathroom and patio, it was connected to a smaller bedroom by a french door. The last thing in the floor was the laundry room

Of course, the basement was the best of all. It had a kitchenette, a bathroom, a media room connected to the playroom

"Do you like it?" Grandma asked

I was expecting this as soon as we saw the house

"I'm in love" Trent said

"It's nice isn't it?" Grandpa said

"Yes" Tanner replied

"What do you think Tiffany?" Grandma said

"It's awesome" I said half minded, my eyes were still on the retreating figure if the house as we drove on

"Great it's settled then, it's yours"

The boys, aka Trent mostly, erupted into a fit of happiness, I just smiled goofily to myself

"You ok?" Tanner asked

"Yea, I just miss the twins" I told them as we drove back into New Jersey

"Maddie's taking good care of them" grandma said, turning her head slightly to look back at us "you can take her, in the new house"

Tanner leaned back and smiled goofily


I updated early because hey I've been slacking lately

I just finished the last chapter :): my emotions are mixed

Very shortly we will be saying goodbye to Tiffany, Trent, Tanner, Gabriel, Aiden, Madison, Mason, Jane-their mom, basically we'll be saying bye to everyone for a while

During the time that I begin to start the sequel, I will be harshly editing this book

Chapters to go-
Ch 38
Ch 39 pt 1
Ch 39 pt 2
Ch 40





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