Ch 30

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Today we didn't really do anything, it was definitely one of those chill days

The fire crackled in the middle of our human made circle, leaving a thin blanket of warmth that coated our faces

Bright stars illuminated the dark sky

A soft quilted blanket was over my shoulder. At my side was Gigi, next to her was Gabriel and next to him was Jaime and on my other side was Trent who stuck a wooden stick with a marshmallow at the end into the blazing fire   

Jaiden strum his guitar randomly, staring off into the distance, he then looked up a lazy smirk on his face as he leaned "I remember when I lost my virginity" he said putting the guitar down into the grass, everyone turned to look at him, some with a bottle in hand others snuggled up in a blanket like me "I was 12"

Gasps and laughs were heard through the crowd, I laughed silently to myself

"Dude, you hadn't even gone through puberty yet" one of the guys said running a hand through his hair "I waited until I was 15" he continued

"I was 16" my brother chimed in and everyone laughed, mostly everyone. People who weren't included in the inside joke, like me, was left confused

"We know" the guy said taking a swing of his beer

"It was this year" Brianna said laughing, she leaned her head against the guy, Christopher, and he wrapped an arm around her waist

"I'm still a virgin" Christopher's cousin, the one who was always cooking said

There was an array of howls among the boys

"Me too" Carmen said after the howls died down only to be brought up again except instead of wolf whistles it was laughter

Even I scoffed in disbelief

"I am!" She shrieked

The crowd, dying down then turned to look at Trent who shrugged his shoulder and said "she is"

"See" Carmen said

"But she could use help with oral" Trent said looking up at the sky

A playful scowl appeared on her perfectly glossed lips "nothing a little practice won't fix" she said leaning toward him only to be pushed away

I couldn't help the smug feeling that emerged

From then on I tuned out, my eyes would unconsciously wander to Gabriel who talked to Gigi

At one point his gaze met mine but before I could turn away it left as quickly as it came

I walked to the tent when Jaime came out

"You don't wanna go in there" she said "there's company" she said winking

I got the point "I'll just sleep with my brother" I said

"I'll come with you" she said, inviting herself

Where would she sleep? I thought to myself

I climbed into my brothers tent only to see my brother gone, instead Gigi was there talking to Gabriel

There were four sleeping bags

One all the way in the left, the one Gigi was on which was in the middle to the left, the one Gabriel was on, and one too the far right

"There's people in our tent" I said as they immediately stopped talking "can we crash here?"

Gigi answered "yeah, of course" a bright smile on her face. If she were mean it would be much easier to hate her

I catched Gabriel rolling his eyes at her

Jaime walked over to the sleeping bag next to Gabriel and I walked to the one next to Gigi

"Where's my brother?" I asked them, sitting down with my legs crossed in front of me

"With my sister" Gigi said throwing her hair into a bun shooting me a look

I gave her one back
I'm enjoying this :)





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