Ch 23

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Katie sat in front of me, her plate full of pancakes

"Are you happy to be going home?" She asked, looking up from her plate to me with curious blue eyes. My relationship wasn't as bad as the beginning, but we aren't going to be the besties any time soon

I moved the soggy pancake around in my plate and shrugged

"Don't you miss your mom?" She asked, her eyes widening a little bit

My heart felt heavy just at the mention of her name "no" I lied  "I don't live with her"

Katies eyes widened a little more "is it because...?" She asked looking at my belly

I rolled my eyes and stabbed the soggy sandwich repeatedly

"Is it?" She asked coming closer

I pushed my plate further, and stood up "can we no talk about her?" I said then walked out of the room "that woman is dead to me" I muttered

I plopped down on the mattress and threw my arms over my face, the inside of m elbow covering my eyes. The mattress felt like a cloud underneath me, I wish I could take it with me

A knock on the door broke me away from my trance, I opened it and Barbara was there

"The driver is here already" she said

I nodded then went to go grab my duffel bag now filled and purse, before I had the chance to throw the strap over my shoulder Barbara came running to me taking it out of my hands

"You shouldn't be holding heavy stuff" she said walking out the room

I walked out the door but instead of following after her I turned and went to Sophies room

She was asleep snoring slightly in the comfort of her crib, with quiet steps I walked until I was looming over her

"Thank you" I whispered curling a strand of her brown hair

She continued to sleep as I left the room

"Where's Calvin?" I asked her

"Working" she replied, right, don't even know why I asked

As the limo started to pull away Katie and Luca left the house with pressed uniforms and perfect hair

Barbara stepped out and I followed her

When I stood up she grabbed me into a close hug "bye honey" she said into my hair and for that moment I wanted her to adopt me

The longer I stood there the more hot my feet got from within the my uggs

Then I pulled away from her craning my neck to look at her face "you're not coming?"

She shook her head finally letting go of me completely

"Then how-" I began to ask, but then was interrupted by a voice behind me

"Hello" the voice said. I turned around to see a brown haired woman in her early twenties, her hair was pulled into a tight painful looking low bun. The blue uniform worn on her lanky body matched the color of her doe like eyes

Her eyed widened every more as she saw me a weird expression taking over her pale face. She bent down to my height, which wasn't much she's only like 5 inches taller than me people, and I eyed her weirdly

"Hi sweetheart" she said in what was I presumed to be a baby voice

I turned to Barbara with a grimace

Is she really leaving me with this lunatic?

'Help me' I pleaded with my eyes, she was no help as she gave me a sad smile

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