Ch 32

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A camera clicking sound resonated throughout the tent

With my eyes still shut I snuggled closer to something warm then it tensed

My eyes shot open and I looked up to see green eyes staring at me, I couldn't read his face as I quickly I pushed myself away from him and sat up "sorry" I muttered rubbing my eyes

Gigi stood above us looking satisfied, her hand resting on her hip "get up we're going hiking, get ready" she said then walked over to Jaime and shook her awake

Lazily I leaned on my arms that were placed behind my behind me and threw my head back groaning

Gabriel slid from beside me and stood up, he yawned then grabbed my arms and pulled me up

I tried to keep the shock off my face but, Gabriel THE Gabriel just helped me with something, something as little as standing up is big for someone like Gabriel

I think he realized that when he looked at me for a few second his face unreadable then left the tent

Jaime and Gigi were at the other aide of the tent watching intently

Gigi hummed then turned away while Jaime looked at my face for a long second before giving me a tight smile and walking out of the tent

"Go get dressed, we're going hiking!" Gigi said pushing me out of the tent, barefoot may I add

Dirt clung to my feet as I walked towards my tent, Jaime pushed her way past me and walked to the shower tent

Seems like someone is gonna have a bad day and it's not me

I dressed in a short dress, which really is just a big black shirt, with a pair of white yoga shorts and black and grey nike roshe runs

"Do you have pants on? I know it's hot Tifanny but normal people still wear pants" Trent said

Normal people? He should be the last one talking

I rolled my eyes and pulled my shirt over my thigh giving him a glance of my shorts

He nodded and then I continued to nibble on my bread

"So how has it been going?" He asked me

"Fine" I replied, taking a bite of my sandwhich

"I meant with mom" Trent threw his head back and looked up at the sky

"Who is this 'mom' you speak of?"

Trent turned to look at me "I don't think you should be so hard on her"

I chocked on a piece of my sandwich "me? Hard on her? If anything she was hard on me. She kicked me out, when I needed her the most, she wasn't there for me and you think I'm being too hard on her by not acknowledging her existence? Well I'm sorry but that's just the way I'm trying to cope with things" I ranted, somehow ending up throwing the sandwich away

Trent leaned forward "people have different ways of coping with situations, but you and mom have just the same" he said then stood up "come on, we're leaving"

"By the way" he told me "those are running shoes not hiking ones"

"Well, It's not like I hike"

"Well It's not like you run"

"Whatever" I muttered walking past him and stepping into stride with Gigi

She bobbed her head up and down as she talked animately to Gabriel, Jaime of course was at his other side looking more like ogling at Gabriel

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