Ch 48

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November 22, 2015

I stared down at my mother. Today she didn't cake on her makeup but, right now I wish she did

Her face was the wrong color and dry looking surrounded in blonde frizzy locks and her eyes were painted a shimmery pink, something she would never wear



My hand gripped the opening of my mothers coffin


Her lips were pale

She wasn't breathing


"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered towards the coffin

Her wig reflected the scorching sun

"Why didn't any of you fucking tell me?" I said louder, my fisted hand slammed against the polished wood

Trent reached out to pull my hand

I flinched from his touch"Don't touch me" I walked a few steps back "I hate you" the words left my mouth before it registered in my head

Nothing was registering in my head

"Tiffany" he tried to reason, his hands reached out again

"No" my mind was a fury of thoughts

My feet carried me past the crowd of my weeping family members, leaving them staring after with guilty faces

I tried to take slow steps to clear my head but the harsh reality of all made me want to remain in oblivion

I don't hurt

A familiar tombstone stood in the grass. The white flowers were covered in dirt, it no longer held it's shape and the pedals were breaking off

What is wrong with me?

I can't feel anything

I slid down a tree leaving the rough bark to scratch my back, maybe then I'll feel something

Trent appeared from behind a tree he took a seat next to me

"I dont want to talk to you right now" I muttered into my bent knees

"It's okay just listen to me"

I didnt say anything. He shuffled then sighed and began "In September, I thought mom was horrible at being a mom. I assumed it was after affects of the divorce still engraved in her. She was alway working and coming back very late. Always partying and bringing people home who weren't dad"

"Calvin" I corrected

He continued "I didn't know why. Then christmas came and she kicked you out of the house, I was so confused I didn't know how someone can do that to their own child. For a few months I thought she was worse than-than anyone I've ever met. Then one day she forced me to go to the hospital with her" he took deep shaky breath and closed his eyes then opened them again

"I was nearby while they did the cat scan. I was so confused then. We went home and Tanner was already there, she say is both on the couch she doesn't let us go near. She told both of us that her cancer returned, heh imagine my surprise I didnt even know she had Cancer in the first place. Do you wanna know why she kicked you out?" He didn't wait for my answer, I would have said no

"She said you already have enough things to worry about and didn't want to stress you. By the time you gave birth her Cancer worsened, she stayed in the hospital that's how she went to see you, they gave her four weeks to live. She wanted to die at home and her dying wish was to see her first grandchildren, thats why she was there"

A tear slipped down my face because it should, it was appropriate for the moment, but one tear only

"Look, my point isn't to make you feel bad for hating her, okay? Mom worked all day so she could provide for us, and partied all night because I think she knew deep down that it would return. Just know that she wasn't as bad as she seemed" He took a chain from around his neck and pulled it off, it had a ring on it. "It's moms engagement ring, even though her and da-Calvin aren't together they are still involved in each others life and she knew Tanner wouldn't want it so she gave it to me and she gave Tanner a charm bracelet that had her special earrings. You have the best gift"

"what?" I asked numbly

He reached into his book bag and held out a purple drawstring bag "here" he said

I nodded at him, a silent thank you

"It's from when she was a teenager" he said then stood up walked away

I waited till he was out of sight, and I was stable enough to reach into the bag

My fingers wrapped something hard, shakily I pulled it out. The crown sparkled in the bright sunlight momentarily blinding me, I pulled it back at took time to admire it

 The crown sparkled in the bright sunlight momentarily blinding me, I pulled it back at took time to admire it

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I put it on my head and silently walked back

Someone put a hand on my shoulder and said "I'm sorry for your loss"

I turned around and looked back to see a man. There was something familiar about. The suit he was wearing screamed money and a powerful aura surrounded him, maybe by the way he stood. His dark brown hair was slicked back and grey eyes were emotionless not showing any sign of sympathy despite his words sympathetic words

I slid from under his touch and replied "it's okay, I'm used to it"

At least I thought it was but nothing could prepare me to what came after

Oh lord the book has ended, I am sad now

This book has been up and down, I started it on February 2015 at the age of 14 and ended it on March 26 2016 at the age of 15

Took a year and a month, first book I ever finished

It has been with me through a lot of shit

This story is based on a true story keyword: Based, some of these events actually happened but not in this particular order or detail

The sequel won't be uploaded until June 14, 2016

In the time being I will be strongly editing this book

Goodb-nope- see you later Tiffany, Gabriel, Aiden, Madison, Mason, Trent, Tanner, Caleb, hospital receptionist bitch and everyone else

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