Ch 35

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Spring break was officially over and my belly has only gotten bigger

Even through the black hoodie and added scarf it was no question that I was pregnant

I walked out of the room praying that Gabriel was still sleeping only to see him sitting casually on the couch, his head thrown back as morning cartoons played in the background

The tension in the air was thick, engulfing the room, suffocating me

Quickly, I made the only thing I'm good at, a sandwich, and followed Gabriel out wordlessly

The ride there was even more awkward, five minutes into the ride my half eaten sandwhich was thrown out the window hitting the car beside us

Gabriel scoffed at me as the people began to curse me out

I can see why he would act like that, he's probably making fun of me in his head

"Do you have something to say?" All the venom from the previous day came flashing back

He stopped the car and turned to look at me, my anger caught in my throat. His gaze caused a multitude of feelings to arise, the biggest of all was attraction. I made a valiant attempt to ignore his beauty and glared at him "yea" he said and took the key out of the ignition "we're here" then climbed out

I followed after him with slow, forced steps keeping a safe distance

We were early, way early

Teens were scattered around the halls, all eyes turned to me almost in sync

Their gazes felt heavy, heavier than ever

Do I have something on my face? or is it just my belly?

Cassandra bounded towards me with tears tracks glistening down her face "Tiffany" she cried, her arms open for an embrace

I took cautious steps back, putting some distance between us. She can't just come running back when things go wrong in her life. I have my own stress, I can't carry hers too

"Tiffany" she cried again, before I knew it I fled towards the bathroom pushing past the small crowd

My back was against the cold metal door until a reassuring bell resounded throughout the building, I counted a good few second waiting for the halls to clear then stuck my head out the bathroom


I walked out cautiously, fixing the scarf around my neck

Where to now?

Someone came and walked beside me, I didn't have to look already knowing who it is

My back stiffened just the slightest "why are you here?" I snapped continuing my aimless journey down the halls

"You need me" Gabriel said, probably the most he's said to me since we left the camp

"No I don't" I grumbled, crossing my arms. The halls were vacant now

"Should I go then?" Gabriel said, it was more a statement than a question

Before he took a step my hands reached out and held on to the back of his shirt "no" I whispered

Gabriel stifled a grin, turning his head away

Somehow, I found myself walking to class, which wasn't my intention

I threw a fleeting glance over to Gabriel before pushing the door open and walking in

In unison, everyones attention turned towards me. Their gazes burned holes in my back as I walked to my seat. I guess by now I should be used to it

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now