Ch 12

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'How old are you anyway?" Gabriel asked as I turned and let my back rest on the refrigerator. He's been here since yesterday, yet this is only the second time we've talked

"14" I answered trying to make my voice sound strong, as though I wasn't intimidated by his looks or the small scar under his right eye or even the scar on his left over his eyebrow but instead of my intentions I sounded weak and fragile like the child he probably thinks I am

His eyes widened a bit and his eyebrows rose up

"What?" I asked crossing my arms

"You look older" he mumbled then walked over to the coffee table taking the remote and changing the channel. Immediatly my eyes widened and I ran go snatch the remote out of his hand

"I was watching something" I said in a deadly tone.

Who does he think he is? Coming here? Taking the remote? I don't even know him

Gabriel snatched it back at lightening speed and in the same tone used said "too fucking bad" the asshole then processed to put the remote on a the highest shelf near the couch.

I huffed and went into my room knowing with my 5'3 height I will only make a fool of myself. I layed on my bed and waited until tiredness overcame my senses

Freaking asshole


The alluring smell of barbaque chicken wafted into my nose arising my newfound hunger. My nose lazily carried me to the kitchen to see Gabriel sitting down on the island. He took a bite into the mouth watering chicken, leaving me there to stare. My tongue involuntarily licked my chapped dry lips

"There's more in the oven" Gabriel stated pointing to the oven with the drumstick

In a flash I was in front of the cupboard getting a plate then piled a few drumsticks on my plate. I was feeding for two now. The barbecue chicken tasted like heaven as expected. The area surrounding my lips was covered in barbecue sauce but I couldn't bring myself to get a napkin

Gabriel cleaned his mouth then attempted to throw a napkin my way which ended up about a good seven feet away from me "oops" he mumbled. He picked up the flimsy napkin and placed it on my lap as he took a seat next to me. I mumbled a quick thank you before lifting a heavy arm and trying to rid myself of the sauce eventually my arm gave out and I let it

I don't care, this chicken is too good

"Clean your mouth" Gabriel said looking at me with a grimace

My cheeks flushed, and I THOUGHTTTT about doing it but you know what? I'm pregnant, and I'm at home. I responded with a curt "no" and took another bite, at least that's what happened in my head, instead I took the napkin from my lap and passed it roughly over my lips then took another bite

He stared at me for a moment, making me shiver under his gaze, he then said "Do you always do everything anyone tells you to do?"

I stopped chewing, the food becoming dry and heavy, I swallowed it with a loud gulp "What-what do you mean?" I fidgeted with the wing turning it over and over

He must have seen that I didn't want to talk about it, he shook his head "Nothing"

Does he really think that?

...Do I?

He stood up, grasped the napkin from my lap, pushed my head back and dragged the napkin across my lips, he folded it and passed it again

My cheeks flushed as I tried everything to avoid eye contact, as he stood above me. His grey eyes flickered to mine for a second before looking back down at my lips. I observed his eyes trying to get anything at all but all I could see was pure determination, nothing to let me see into his emotions. Gabriel's held my chin while roughly trying to remove the hardening sauce. He licked his thumb before placing it near the corner of my lips. JESUS CHRIST I HAVE HIS SALIVA ON ME. He cleared his throat before placing the napkin on the coffee table "There"

"thank you" I muttered facing back towards my plate. He stiffy nodded his head in response and took his plate to the sink and began washing it

I looked down at my plate no longer hungry. I'm eating for two, I should finish it, and this is the only meal I've had all day

I turned around in my chair and my eyes flickered towards the controller, still on the highest shelf

"Can you please pass me the controller ?"

"No" He said curtly without turning around

My eyes snapped to the controller, a plan immediately set up in my head, one of my best plans yet I must say. A sly smile slipped on my face while I mentally patted myself in the back

I grabbed one of the heavy wooden chairs that had a metal stand in the middle and a circle in the bottom that kept it grounded. Grunts repeatedly left my lips as I carried it over to the couch. Setting it down I automatically grabbed my aching back as I breathed heavily

With a mental count for motivation I lifted the chair and put it on the couch adjusting it so it wouldn't topple over to the side remembering not to use too much force from my stomach

I looked back and admired my work with a toothy full on grin. Ok now comes the hard part: getting on it

I pushed the coffee table near the couch and got onto of it. With much struggling I finally was able to crouch on my knees on the chair. My hand latched onto the side of the shelf bringing myself to my feet

When my hands touched the cool texture of the controller I instantly grabbed it and held it to my chest. I did a little miniature dance until the chair decided to move to the side taking it with me. My arms automatically circled my belly protectively

Arms securly shot out to try and catch me but me and both the person went barreling down onto the cold wooden floor. This was one of those times that Instead of being romantic and sweet it was utterly embarrassing and uncomfortable. I laid on top and my arms were still awkwardly wrapped around my stomach accidentally rubbing up against Gabriel's crotch

As I tried to get up my arm unintentionally stroked his part causing him to throw his head back squeezing his eyes shut while biting down on his lip the way that made my lower body clench in all the right ways

"Tiffany" he said sternly with his eyes closed

"Sorry" I said sheepishly

Gabriel took a gulp before opening his eyes again, he roughly pushed me away from him then stood beside the coffee table "That was so stupid" he said before leaving

I laid dumbfounded on the floor then I caught sight of something beautiful almost majestic. The remote laid unmoving on the ground and without a second thought I scooted over to it and changed it to Arrow

Maybe it was ten minutes later or twenty but the sound of someone patting against the wooden floors of the hallways broke me from my trance

He walked from the bathroom into Calebs room not giving me enough time to enjoy the view, I don't know if it was the pregnancy talking or if I'm just a hormonal pig, but I need to get it together

A sigh left my lips and my attention reverted back to the television

When the show finished I went to the kitchen. I noticed my plate no longer  sat on the counter but instead was left to dry next to Gabriels. My attention quickly diverted to the pickle jar. A craving rose within the pits of my stomach, I was craving pickles dipped in ketchup

Without a second thought the refrigirator door flew open as My search for the ketchup began. I quickly pulled it out and squirted some into a small round plastic plate until I was satisfied with the amount

The pickle jar was opened no less than a second later and my fingers circled around a pickle pulling it out and licking it deliciously, nearly letting out a moan

I dipped it in the moutain of ketchup and took a big bite chewing slowly savoring every second

"What are you-" Gabriel started to say but I dramatically pushed the pickle against his lips silencing him while making a shh sound. A bit of ketchup flickered on his nose in the proces

"You mustn't question me" I said then dipped the pickle back in and took another bite

It didn't register until I swallowed but I second handedly kissed gabriel. Instantly my cheeks burned with embarrassment once again. Get it together sis

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now