Ch 14

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I scoffed and gruffly took a seat, plopping onto the hard chair

Hello to you too Mister

My eyes couldn't help but follow him. I watched as Walter talked to him as he nodded with crossed arms

His blueish grey wet shirt clung onto the muscles on his back 

Hannah roughly nudged me with her shoulder and mouthed 'oof - he's hot' motioning where Gabriel was standing with her head

Shrugging my shoulders I rested my elbows on the table with my head on top. I looked up just im time to see Gabriel coming this way

My breathing hitched momentarily before I tried to pull on a bored facade

He held 2 food colorings in each hand, a blue one in his right, a red one in his left

Gabriel leaned over between Hannah and Me and put the food dye on the plate filled with milk

"Why are you wet?" I asked looking up at him

He shrugged walking away from us

"Hi!!" Hannah shouted behind him. My stomach dropped, I already knew what was going to happen. I could already see them getting together, they would be perfect for each other, she's beautiful and he is hot and sexy and handsome and everything else beautiful. And she wants him so he will want her and-

Gabriel looked back at her for a second then kept walking

"What the hell? He's so rude" Hannah fumed taken aback. New territory, I bet Hannah hasn't been turned down by anyone since she's lost weight.

"He is so rude" she screeched again loud enough for the table to hear but not loud enough for Gabriel. With a hurt pride she leaned back in her chair holding a childish pout upon her glossed lips

I only rolled my eyes at her. Not everyone gets what and who they want

"That's just the way he is" I mumbled

"He's still hot just not as be-wait" Hannah paused and looked at me with curious smile on her face "how do you know? You know him? Set me up with him"

"It was just a lucky guess" I muttered looking down at the plate

A scoff came beside Hannah. My Temper rose

I held on tightly to the edge of the table and leaned over to get a better view "do you have something to say?" I asked Aiden, who was on his phone through the whole encounter until now

"I wouldn't be so rude to me if I were you, you better watch it" He said holding a cynical smile

He is a disgusting prick, how could he treat MEE, this way, after everything we have shared.

My hear began to beat faster "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Asshole! If you have something to say, say it to my face" I yelled back at him

"I don't want to hurt your feelings" he said shrugging lazily and leaning back in the chair

It was my turn to scoff "like you haven't done enough of that"

"You want to know what that means!? I'll tell you, since you want to know so bad you little bitch..." Aiden began but was hastily cut off

"No, YOU listen closely little bitch..." Gabriel began who was then cut off by Walter

"Hey!!! No fighting" he scolded, he then walked towards the front of the classroom as Gabriel walked away and sat down in the back

I turned back to look at him, catching his gaze already on me

"What the hell" Hannah whispered underneath his breath

The experiment went rather smoothly especially because Aiden kept his mouth shut through most of it. Hannah's usual domineering trait surfaced as she did most of the work just the way she likes it

At the first sound of the bell people jumped up and out the door. I steadily walked towards Gabriel

"Why are you here?" I asked him

"Why do you care?" He asked before brushing past me and leaving the class


It's finally Wednesday, the first day I will see my baby. My belly was Jelly, as were my legs.

Kicking off the blanket I looked at the clock 9:02

Tanner and Trent promised to go with me for "moral support" whatever that means

After my shower my hair was left to dry with natural loose curls. I put on a white t-shirt with black thick pair of leggings and white sneakers.

When I finished I ran into Tanners room only to find him sound asleep

"Wake up!!!" I repeatedly yelled bouncing on his bed

He let out a loud, almost inhumane groan "I'm up" he muttered throwing the cream blanket over his head

"Come on!" I yelled tearing the blanket away from him, leaving him to freeze by the arctic air that seeped through the glass windows

Tanner groaned and walked out of the room. Happily I skipped towards the kitchen preparing Tanner and myself a ham and cheese sandwhich

Tanner came out and lazily ate his sandwich staring off into to space

"Tomorrow's Trent birthday" I said taking a bite of my sandwich and internally moaning, throwing my head back in much needed satisfaction

Tanner nodded, humming while chewing his food when he swallowed he asked "you need something to wear?"

I nodded frantically with a stuffed mouth making me resemble a chipmunk

"I'll buy you something" he said finishing off the sandwich. He walked to the hallway and out of my vision he came back seconds later with an army green jacket on and my black puffer in his hands

He passed me it and walked out the door after throwing me the house keys. I catched it shamelessly feeling a bit of pride arise

Quickly I pulled the coat on and walked out the door locking it and turning it just in case

The cold nipped at my exposed cheeks as I ran to the car

We arrived at 10:15 and walked into the large crowded mall

I loved the mall and not only because the stores but the how smell of fresh baked pastries wafted into my nose and how the light reflected through the glass ceiling making the lights attached to the concrete part of the ceiling practically useless also how it wasn't just for shopping, it included a movie theatre and a ice skating rank on the highest floor

By the time we finished I had six bags each from different places, like a good sister I was trying not to abuse Tanners money.

The dashboard said it was 10:30, we had half an hour to get to the hospital. Tanner zoomed to the hospital with the windows open. The cold air hit my face and blew my hair back as I looked out the window

We arrived a couple of minutes earlier and sat down in the waiting room. People who passed us shot us weird glances, their eyes would go from me to Tanner to my stomach. I almost vomited, did they think we were together?

Trent came in a few seconds later and took a seat next to us. My hands were sweaty and shaky, my stomach in knots

"Jensen, Tiffany Jensen" a nurse called out holding the door open
I'm very very sorry about the late update, I had no internet for a week because my grandma recently had to undergo surgery but I'm finally home and school will be ending soon which means more updates

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