Ch 2

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The shrill of my alarm woke me up. I lazily shut it off and stretched on my soft, comfortable, heaven-sent bed and relaxed in a fetal position, an awful smell hit my nose my eyes immediately shot open

Trent must be near, he seriously needs to control his farting problem

I closed my eyes once again, this has been an ongoing issue for a week, the feeling of nausea rose and rose but never climaxed, like me...yet hopefully...tmi that's besides the point

It rose and rose until it did, the acid crept it's way past my uvula. I swear the flash would be jealous at the way I moved my feet towards the bathroom. I slammed the door open and dropped to my knees, puking my guts into the toilet bowl. I puked until my eyes teared up. I puked till it was coming out my nose and then I puked till I just couldn't anymore and even the bile in my stomach ran out

"Ew" I heard as my head laid miserably on the toilet seat, trying to catch my breath

Trent was next to me brushing his teeth

"You should say that to the mirror" I groaned

Trent finished brushing his teeth and motioned me to look away as he got in the shower

"Are you sick?" Asked Trent

"I think so, the eggs just...I don't know they smelled really bad" I said flushing the toilet and getting up into stretch

He stuck his head out the shower with a large mischievous smile on his face, his brown hair, that looked similar to mine, was wet and stuck to his forehead. The evil gleam in his eye made me uneasy

"How about this?" he said sticking his head back in the shower "You tell mom you're sick and that I can be a good brother and take care of you"

"I don't want to get in trouble"

"But you are sick aren't you?"

I nodded leaving the bathroom and exhaling, I could use a day off anyways

As I walked down the stairs the show began, "Mom" I groaned, my boobs pulling down on my chest with every step. I tried to walk normal but the shakiness of my legs threatened to give up under me

Her blonde hair flew around as she turned to face me from the kitchen, her eyes then went back to the stove "What Tiffany?"

"I'm not feeling good" I croaked holding onto my stomach "I vomited in the bathroom"

She sighed, "Well that explains why you look like that" she let out a sarcastic scoff "Tell Trent to be useful for once and get you some medicine, I have to leave for work"

I tried to ignore the subtle blow and only nodded

"The food is ready" she said stepping away from the stove and walking out the room, phone in hand

"What did she say?" He mouthed from the living room

I gave him a thumbs up and a big smile, the sound of her car driving off in the background

Trent sighed  "I'm going out, do you need anything?"

"Medicine I guess" I responded brushing him off with a glance, I returned back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, the nausea barely fading away

With the toothbrush in my mouth my mind started to fade away to the events that took place a few weeks ago

The way Aiden touched me, they way he made me feel, the way he felt against me...inside me, I don't know how to describe it in any other word beside painful and dry, nothing like the movies at all

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now