Ch 6

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It was Christmas Eve. Winter break started over three days ago, the last time I saw Aiden

Aidens siblings were having a party at their house and everyone who is anyone is going. I'm not too hyped up at the idea of having to face Aiden again, but this party is the best party of year or so they say, I'm in high school now. Trent can't stop me from going

I threw on a red halter crop top with red joggers, red converse and a red and green plaid shirt. I then grabbed a red and white watch and latched it onto my wrist all in spirit of Christmas

My hair was in what looked like a messy bun with a braid running through the side and two loose curled strands to frame my face. I wore minimal makeup including a light pink lipgloss and mascara just because more isn't worth the effort

But then I started to think of Aiden and the sudden need to show him he made a mistake overcame md

I need him to want me

I grabbed the foundation as soon as Trent popped his head through my door "ready?" He asked


"Yea" I breathed out

I dropped the foundation and followed him to his car. I guess I'll have to work the lipgloss. The ride was an hour but it felt way too short for my liking. Once the house came into view you could already hear the music. A group of seniors, juniors and so on were scattered around the front lawn with red cups in their hands and santa hats on their head

Entering the house the music shook my body with every beat. I lost Trent in the mass crowd of loud teenagers. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a red cup then filled it with a pink colored alcoholic beverage, I deserve a drink I thought, as I put the cup to my lips realization hit. Immediately the cup was emptied and filled with another liquid, grape soda

"Hey beautiful" someone called from behind me, I turned as one of my eyebrows rose in amusement while I proceeded to take a sip from the soda

Cameron was dressed in a plain white tee shirt and a red pair of pants that hung low on his waist exposing glimpses of his festive boxers, I held back a chuckle. His hair was swept to the side and his brown eyes sparkled with amusement

"hey" I replied

"wow someone's overdoing the Christmas colors" he said then quickly added "but it looks good on you" his eyes raked over me

"thank you Mr. Christmas trees boxers, it almost looks good on you" I replied jokingly then regretted it

Will he get mad at me? be offended?

He stared at me for a moment

This is bad

Then he smirked "no one can rock Christmas boxers like I can"

I chuckled and he continued "Here have some of this" he said offering his cup to me "it will give you a buzz"

My hands twitched momentarily but I refused to give into temptation reminding myself of the risks at hand. I politely shook my head and exited the kitchen

The living room blared with a disco light and a crowd of people danced along to some techno song

"Hey stranger" I didn't even have go look to know it was, Sierra. I continued on as if she never existed

Yeah it was petty, but I just need to be petty for a while longer

Christina was perched up on a wall taking constant sips from her cup. She seemed bored with all this commotions, she was never one to party. Christina is observant and calm the complete opposite of me. She rocked a different pair of glasses this time, probably one Cassandra suggested

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor "dance with me" I said giggling. She shook her head shyly

"Come on get loose, get wild" I encouraged but my demands were useless seeing as she went back to her wall and continued to stare. I was left alone to dance my feet maneuvered over to Hannah who seemed to have one too many shots

This is what highschools about

She screamed at the top of her lungs then continued to move to the beat without hesitation I joined her. This is what I needed, to forget the stress that plagued my mind and release the tension. The distress floated away into the air and for a moment I felt relaxed dancing with my drunk bestfriend, that was until my gaze landed on the Devil himself

His hips swayed in rhythm with hers. His arms fastened around her tiny waist and turned her over, her long hair flew behind her and hit her in the face causing her to giggle. Her fingers held onto his shoulders before leaning in and kissing him. My stomach dropped into my ass

They were pulled apart by a drunken Trent. He stumbled in front of Aiden and took a swing but missed with his poor coordination at this state of mind, we just got here..... Aiden backed away slowly then the familiar burning sensation started crawling up my throat and my head began to spin

My feet moved before my mind caught up to what was happening. I paced up the stairs in incredible speed and threw open the bathroom door, I pushed Hannah slightly over before emptying the continent of my stomach into the toilet bowl

Hannah tossed me a lopsided smile before patting my back encouragingly. The unappealing smell did nothing to my nausea but make it worse. A mental pat on the back was deserved for the bright idea of putting most of my hair up

I rinsed my mouth with water to get the bitter taste out of my mouth then tossed a small wave to Hannah who still sat on the floor and left in search of my brother

The party went on as if nothing happened, and my brother was nowhere in sight. Jaiden, Aiden's brother, was filling the shot cup of with vodka. Sweat beams ran down his neck, emphasizing the good time he must have been having. I tapped his shoulder and he immediately turned his head then continued to pour himself alcohol

"Have you seen Trent?" I asked

Jaiden turned to me and replied "Connor took him upstairs" before passing by me and leaving a scent of strong cologne

I knew this house like the back of my hand with all the sleepovers I had with the girls

The guest room door was slightly ajar and soft snore was heard through the opening. I peeked inside to see Trent sound asleep, with light feet I patted across the room and set myself beside him in a fetal position automatically his arm went around my shoulder. When he started snoring again is when I released the tears one by one sliding down my face and hitting the pastel colored blanket

I need to stop being so weak

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now