Ch 22

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"Where's Calvin" I asked plopping down next to Luca

" He's working" He answered too concentrated on the toy race car he dragged against the marble counter

Melinda stood by the stove with an Ipad next to her giving her directions

The smell was stronger now but not unbearable

Katie sat next to Luca on her phone, reminding me of my own

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone 4 new messages

Three from Trent and one from Sierra

Trent: send the picture!!!

Trent: How r they?

Trent: r u alive?

I sent him a quick "later" then proceeded to Sierras text from two days ago

Sierra: r u ok?

My fingers hovered over the keyboard, unable to decide, am I okay? How can I be okay? I stuffed the phone back in my pocket without responding

Eventually I will have to go back, but how could I face them ?

After the silent meal Luca and Katie left the room, leaving me and the babysitter. We sat in awkward silence before I decided to follow in my steps sibling steps and and leave

The babysitter stood up holding Sophie and grabbed her plater which soon feel, shattering on the ground

Flustered, she shrieked "can you hold her?" She asked stuffing Sophie into my hands

"I-um" I stuttered as she went to grab a napkin in effort to clean up the glass

I held Sophie outstretched in my arms, she's heavier than she seems. Her eyes watched mine curiously as she stuffed her little baby fist into her slobbering mouth. Melinda came and yanked her from my grasp "You can help her if you want" she said before walking away leaving me empty handed. I tried to get over how that made me feel, but at this point I can't even feel

When I entered my room again I pulled out my phone and grabbed the crumpled paper typing in the address

Walking it would take me a little more than an hour and a half to get to Santa Monica

I had four hours to kill before going

Someone knocked on the door and Katie walked inside before I got the chance to answer. She stood near the door with crossed arms "I'm bored and all my friends are busy, do you want to hang at the pool?"

Is she saying she wants to bond?

"Sure" I responded, what better do I have to do?

She left without a word


I squeezed the rest of the water out of my hair and threw it into a tight ponytail

The clock read 1:30

I ran downstairs in hopes to avoid everyone but Barbara was running after me "Excuse me miss, Where do you think you're going? I know you think you're grown an all but you are still a child and I am supervising you" she shouted, the babysitter stood by the door now with a sleeping Sophie cradled in her arms, Melinda, the maid, at her side

"I met someone at the mall" I told  "she's getting me a job"

Melinda looked at me apprehensively "where?"

I bit my lip and decided to go with a safe answer "a cafe, in Santa Monica" I told her

Her eyebrows rose "and how are you going to get there?" She asked

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