Ch 21

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I stood in Katie's room as she searched through her massive closet, my tired eyes watching her with a bored expression

I took time to look at her room. It was much bigger than mine, way bigger. Her walls are the same cold white color as the rest of the house, she has a black couch with purple cushioning and two arm chairs across from it. Above the couch was a flat screen tv mounted on the wall. Behind the armchairs was the door that led to the bathroom I know this mainly because the door is wide open. Her bed was plain white except for some dark purple pillows on it. She has a clear screen door that leads to her very own personal patio. Nothing like my room at this house, nothing like my room in my moms house, nothing at all like the room in Tanners house

My left hand held onto my right elbow, a pair of Katie's white capri jeggings was held in my hand

"Here" she said handing me a light pink camisole with a strawberry picture in the middle "tuck that in and-" she went back into her closet and pulled out a white cardigan "wear this over it"

I gave her a forced smile and walked into my room. I threw the clothes on the bed and picked up the towel Melinda had laid out for me.

A pair of peach colored keds sat beside the bed. I bent down and looked at the size, seven, one size too big

I laid the spread towel flat on the bed and folded the clothes placing them on the inside on the towel, then I refolded the towel up with all the clothes inside and walked out the room towards the bathroom

The bathroom was small, it had a granite sink and a bath that had a glass door which also making it a shower

I dropped the clothes on the toilet and stripped bare throwing the underwear onto of the towel then climbed into shower letting thoughts overcome my mind as I scrubbed my body

Where can I go? I can't go to the hospital, they'll ask for a parent. I will have no other choice but to do it a way no one has to know, off the records so no one can sniff around. A sigh left my lips but got drowned out by the pounding of the water

I stared at my reflection in the full length mirror and almost vomited. I looked like Katie

My eyes scanned over the outfit in the mirror trying to think of a way to make this disaster beautiful or atleast presentable in my book

I threw the cardigan on my bed and pulled the camisole from inside the jeggings

Better I thought pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. I grabbed my shades and propped them on top of my hair leaving the room

After deliberately analyzing the hallway I found my way downstairs and into the dining room where everyone was seated. Awkwardly I took a seat next to Luca and grabbed an empty plate filling it with food

"You're not wearing the cardigan" Katie said from in front of me

"I know" I answered back beginning to dig into my plate of waffles

"I can see your shoulders" she said crossing her arms

I looked at her and gave her a fake smile "do they turn you on?" I asked

She gasped and continued to move the food around her plate while Luca looked between us confused

Calvin sat at the end of the table eating silently while staring down at his food. Barbara sat to his right, she held up a small spoon and made a car sound, Sophie giggled and leaned forward bringing the food into her tiny mouth

I stuffed a piece of waffle in my mouth and looked away

Barbara owned a 2015 Honda Odyssey, it was black and spacious sitting up to eight people. I climb into the last row isolating myself from these people, these strangers.

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