Ch 13

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Monday came quicker than I wished. Before I knew it the car pulled up to the brick building also known as my own personal hell

The cold Massachuttes air sweeped in from the openings in my coat making me shiver the multiple layers

My nerves were clawing at my skin, clinging on to me, invading my every thought. How will I be able to face Aiden again? Did he tell anyone? Does he hate me?

I bit my lip dragging my feet towards the school as Gabriel took his time behind me deep in his own thoughts, must be nice, he probably doesn't have to worry about the same things I do. I mean, well, he can't get pregnant so...

My usual group of friends were at the table as expected. Hannah looked over her shoulder and tossed me a toothy grin showing of her silver braces next to her was none other than Aiden. His eyes met min, dropped down to my belly then looked away.

Was he just going to pretend he doesn't know? That it doesn't bother him?

My chest started heating up, and i took a deep breath to try and get it together

Self counciously my arms crossed around my belly crinkling the blue button up collared shirt. Even the slight sight of my exposed knee from the small slits in my ripped jeans made me feel small

I can't deal with this right now, abruptly I turned the other way and walked to my brothers table before I took two steps until someone yanked on my shoulder causing ne to stumble back

Hannah looked at we with sympathetic blue eyes "are you okay?"

A stiff nod was my reponse as I jerked my shoulder away from her touch and continued walking

"Tiffany talk to me" she whined from behind, my head was held high and my chin jutted out as I took a seat beside my brother I heard her huff and turn away

My brain is too jumbled and my life is to complicated for distractions, Hannah still believes I live with that bitch who gave birth to me

Trent gave me a warm hug "what's up" he said into my hair

"I'm going to get a job after school, well look for one at least"I said releasing him and taking a bite of his still warm sandwich. The cheese melted in my mouth and the bacon was crunchy, the eggs were perfectly scrambled, he doesn't need this sandwich anymore, I need it more than him

"Yeah sure, just take my food" he let out a sigh "I can help you with that I guess"

I only nodded in response, too engulfed in the heavenly object clasped in my grip

How can I tell Trent that Aiden knows? When can I do it? Will he get mad? I scoffed at my own thoughts of course he will get mad, he's Trent, an unsettling feeling arised in the pit of my stomach. How will Tanner take it?

Tanner will most likely throw a fit and try to act tough whereas Trent will and I repeat WILL take himself and all of his friend to chase Aiden down with a baseball bat in one hand and a torch in the other

There's something I'd pay to see

I snapped back to reality when I saw Gabriel across the table, Conner talked to him while he only nodded, half paying attention

Since when did he sit here?

From the corner of my eyes I saw Sierra, Cassandra and Christina enter the lunchroom. Their heads were held high and they shoulders squared they walked with confidence, they took their seats around Hannah and immediatley started chatting with bright smiles on their faces

My heart squeezed painfully. I miss them

The day passed slowly soon enough Science came up

I was seated on a hard school chair nearest to the door with my hands clasped on the black desk listening attentively to Walter, the science teacher

"Ok today we will be conducting an experiment so pair up in groups of two" he said. The screeching of chairs and talking surrounded the room as people searched for their partners. I caught Hannah's eye and turned away when I saw her running towards me with that signature smile on her face


The chair let out a screech of despair as she plopped down "hey" she breathed I replied with a small smile and a nod

While people were passing around the materials a knock on the door reached my ears, walter was all the way on the other side of the classroom so I stood up and opened the door like a good child

Aided stood there staring at me, for a second I didn't move, I didn't blink I didn't breath, I just stood there like an idiot, when that second was over I moved out the way letting him in. He walked in without a thank you or a sign of appreciation not even a second look

"Aiden uh" Walters eyes scanned the room until he reached my table "you will be working with these two ladies here" he said pointing in my direction

My complexion paled at his words yet I was burning from the inside. His patronizing blue eyes on me, looking at me like I was small

He took slow steady steps and sat next to Hannah who have him a toothy grin

"Hi" she said to him Aiden replied a nod of acknowledgement

There was knock on the door and once again I stood up to answer it once more. The fucking benefits of sitting near the door. I pulled the door open only to stumble back yet again, thrown off guard

Gabriel stood at the door in all his very sexy and very wet glory. His drenched dark hair was slicked back, dripping water onto his grey v neck

He didn't acknowledge me and he brushed passed

I just want to finish with this story already so beginning now I will just update the chapters right after I finish editing bye ;)

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