Ch 38

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When I entered the room Trent back was to me. He was in those hospital gowns that you tie around the neck but leaves your back exposed

Gabriel, Caleb and Mandy stayed outside for which I was grateful

"Trent?" I whispered cautiously "are you okay?"

Tanner walked at my side with slow steps

Trent laid down on the bed. I inhaled at the sight of his face lined with cuts and bruises

We reached the bed and stayed deadly silent, scared to cause a reaction or even a breakdown with the slightest word. Trent stared at the ceiling with a blank stare, it was strange, his eyes are usually so lively

The expression looked wrong on his face, it was as if a mask was placed over him, maybe it was though, to cover the aching heartbreak he must be feeling at this moment

I walked to the other side of his bed and hugged him gently, he smelt of sweat, blood, smoke and jolly ranchers.His familiar scent engulfed me, pushing it's way through my nostril and straight to my heart. He smelt of home, my old home, and mom. I couldn't help the way my heart squeezed in pain, my toes curled and I tried to ignore the smell of vanilla that radiated off him

There was a white patch attached to the right side of his face

"say something" I begged

I restrained from cutting a piece of his skin off and throwing my head back smelling it

"Why are you sniffing me?" Trent asked

Reluctantly, I pushed myself of him, clearing my throat in the process "no reason" I tucked a piece of hair behind my head "but really how are you?"

He took a shaky breath and looked back to the ceiling after a beat he said "my basketball exploded"

Tanner gaze snapped to me, and I looked at him confused

Trent would be the type to worry about his basketball after a car accident

Then Trent looked at me, a rare sad smile on his face "dad gave it to me you know" his focus then returned back to the ceiling "and he gave Tanner these really old pennies, which was pretty boring"

Tanner rolled his eyes genuinely seeming annoyed

Trent sighed then began to daze off

"Wait" I said snapping him out of his daydream "what did he give me?"

Trent looked at Tanner who looked at Trent who then looked at me

"A hug" Tanner said stuffing his hands in his pocket, he straightened his back, tense and his eye contact was too steady

"You're lying fuckface" I accused leaning into Trents bed

"He gave you nothing" Trent said

I retreated back into my earlier position. Of course. The boys always seemed to be a bigger priority than me but the again he still left us

Tanner grabbed a seat from beside the door and placed it near Trent, then sat on it leaning his head on the white hospital bed

"Oh" I said "that sucks" I brushed Calvin to the back of my head, leaving the worrying for later

"No Tiffany" Trent said, his face suddenly becoming sullen "what sucks is not being able to play in the game, the big game, that you got your team into, the one you've been practicing for months"

I scoffed and took a seat on the bed "hey don't come at me, in case you didn't notice I'm here and mom isn't" Trent always thought the best of our parents, he can't see then for the scums they are, so it was no suprise when he tried to back our mother up

"She has somewhere to be" he whispered

No fucking surprise

I jumped back from the bed in anger, as if it were burning and turned to him blazing "she always has somewhere to be, can't you see she doesn't care about us? I'm only fifteen but I swear I'll be a better mother than she'll ever be"

"She does care about us" Trent yelled at me

I scoffed loudly "no she doesn't and guess what, dad doesn't either and he never ever ever will" by now Trent has a pillow covering his face, I yanked it off him forcefully "Don't you get it?  We don't belong, and your delusions, your perfect fucking image of these people will never change that"  

"You don't understand" he yelled at me as I stormed out of the room not waiting to see his face

I walked straight into the hospital bathroom and leaned against the sink trying to control my haggard breathing

I shook my head shaking the thoughts from my mind, for later. It will be easier to get over it that way

The guilt started to sink in, Trent has already had a pretty shitty day and I just made it worse

what sucks is not being able to play in the game, the big game, that you got your team into, the one you've been practicing for months

What sucks is being pregnant for seven months and the large possibility that I'll give birth next month


Totally shouldn't have said that

I walked out of the bathroom and into Trents room again

He was in a heated conversation with Tanner then stopped abruptly as soon as he saw me

I swallowed my pride and said "so, I'm kinda of like sorry" I took a deep breath praying the next words come out correctly "but you don't have the worse, I'm kinda pregnant here if you didn't notice" with that I skipped out of the room only to bump into a devil

She avoided me completely, and opened the door "I'm here to take you home" she said to Trent

I ignored her presence and walked to Gabriel and Caleb "take me to the car"

Check out the trailer, I'm in love

One of my good friends made it and it's pretty freaking awesome

Next update: Feb 15-18

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