Ch 36

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The staircase reeked of moldy pizza and sweat

I leaned against the railing breathing deeply, from the basement to the fourth floor can take quite a toll on me

Gabriel leaned sat on the staircase after a long while of me trying to catch my breath

"Damn it, we're late" I muttered and began taking slow steps then I froze when the sound of two voices flowed in from downstairs

"Yes, I overheard some rumors that she's pregnant" Walter, the science teacher said

Rumors? It can't be mistaken of who they're talking about

Only pregnant one here people

"There goes another future" said the gym teacher, Mark

I climbed the steps faster in anger and muttered "my future isn't over" at least not if I can help it

The aura in the school was all too depressing so I couldn't be more than happy when it was time to go

I jumped into Trents car, he pointed to a bag "change in the back" he said then began driving away


My hands repeatedly ran down my dress, straitening every visible and invisible crease in the black fabric

Trent arm looped through mine, his hair was perfectly gelled back and his tux, which he rarely wore, was fitted to his every curve

The breezed brushed my legs through the thin fabric of my tights but got blocked out from by upper body by the cardigan

Trent pushed the doors open and we walked towards the room

He squeezed my arm at the door, then we walked in

My eyes quickly scanned the room, many people from school were here

Hannahs mom stood by her, she shook as her loud sobs echoed around the room

"My baby" she shouted, her frail hand touched inside the casket she mouthed something and I had to look away

A deep retching feeling clouded over me

"Do you want to see her?" Trent asked me

I shook my head not trusting my voice and lead him to an empty seat

My eyes watered, I looked at Hannahs mother again knowing I'm the one who caused her this pain

"She'll never come back to me, she'll never even got to finish High School" by now her mother was on her knees

I did this

Several people looked at me

"She never got to live her life, she had dreams"

I did this

My tears were on the brink

"It wasn't you" someone whispered in my ear

I turned to see familiar green eyes

"I wasn't thinking that" I whispered to him, my eyes still locked on the mother mourning the death of her daughter

"Shut up, Tiffany" he said

My eyes then remained glued to the casket where my old friend laid, I couldn't see her face but the image of her pale and dead haunted my mind then another image popped into my head

It was Hannah, it was her face. She was looking straight at me, smiling. Her eyes shut and she sighed. She looked peaceful, it was then I noticed her hanging from the ceiling, bloodstained blankets holding her up

I closed my eyes to wash the image from my head but all I saw were pale blue eyes staring back at me

When I opened them again, it was not only blue eyes looking at me but green and brown and hazel

Hannah's mother looked at me with red rimmed eyes, her mascara ran down her cheek "Tiffany?" Her voice was hoarse, not like her usual comforting one,that invited me to sleep over and asked what type of cereal I favorited

To see this woman hurt, the mother I always wanted, cut deep especially knowing I'm at fault

I stood up and calmly walked out of the room, my breath stuck in the back of my throat

Out of the room haggard breaths escaped as I plopped down on a couch, my throat closing in

I encased my face in my hands, hiding me from the world in the darkness

Someone sat down beside me and began to pat my back

"I'm not supposed to cry for her" I told him

"You were friends once, it's okay to cry for her" Trent told me

I took my face out of my hands and looked at him "she did something really terrible to me, I shouldn't cry for her" I told him

Trents arms wrapped around my head and pushed me toward him "but you still care, that is why I think you shouldn't hold a grudge against people you care about"

A lone tears slipped down my face "I couldn't just forgive her, but now she didn't give me a chance to forgive her"

I slipped out of Trents grasp and sat back "it's hard to believe she's dead"

"Maybe you should look at her, you know, for closure" he suggested

"If I don't look at her it's easier to pretend she's still at the program and easier it's to live with myself"

"Tif-" he began

"Can we go" I told him getting up

He stood up beside me "yea, I got to practice anyway"

"I'm happy for you" I told him looping my arm through his

"You shouldn't be, we're at a funeral"

I waited till we were outside "I really am happy for you"

"Thank you Tif, pretty soon you're gonna see me on tv, it's gonna be the biggest game of the year and we've been-" he continued to ramble, I tuned out

She can't be dead, she's still in the correctional Facility, with Aiden

Where they deserve to be


Thank to those who voted and also depending on how well the chapters are going I might update some time from 2/7-2/13





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