Ch 9

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"Tiffany tell me that Kayleigh is lying" she said putting up a calm facade. I swallowed my anxiety and shook my head slowly fidgeting with my fingers. A sharp intake a breath then a chair screeching registered into my head

Fuck, I will fuck her up pregnancy and all

I looked up to see my mother gone and Anastasia giving me a look of sympathy while kayleigh ate her food as though nothing happened

Sleep with your eyes open bitch

My legs carried me to the backyard before I knew what was happening. The backyard had a large pool and a fireplace with metal beach chairs around it. I plopped onto the chair closest to the fireplace seeing as it's nearly freezing out here. My eyes closed as thoughts invaded my head

My mother is going to disown me, my grandparents with be ashamed of me, Jenny will be laughing with Kayleigh holding a bottle of wine in her hand enjoying the fact that now she has the upperhand. What will I do with my life? What has my life become?

Lets hope that Aiden with atleast help with the child, but how could he love a child who is also part of a person he doesnt like. A person he never like, a person he used


Will my friends leave me? That's a question that could only be answered with time. A small sigh escaped my lips. A growing headache was already forming in my head

I heard someone take seat to my right, but my eyes remained closed not wanting to face to look of disappointment or sympathy

"Tiffany" my grandmas voice said

"Hmm" I hummed my eyes still remaining shut not wanting to take a chance and face the unbearable expression I'm sure my grandmother has. I cant bear with the disappointment everyones feeling. I don't want to see it, I don't want to deal with it and I dont want to be here right now

"Open your eyes" my grandma said softly. My lips moved into a thin line as I shook my head violently. The tears were threatening to fall but my eye lids held them restraint

A cold hand tenderly gripped my chin "open them" she said sternly

I know I can't win with that voice, my eyes opened slowly looking at the fireplace, the tears were released and streamed down my face at an uncontrollable rate, my chest moved up and down and my breath was wavering

"Look at me" she demanded hesitantly my gaze flickered to her struggling to let it falter. Her grey hair was pulled into an elegant bun and her cream skin held soft wrinkles, her dark blue eyes stared at me, I squirm under her intense gaze

She stood up abruptly going back into the house. A small breath of relief escaped my lips until I saw her coming back out with two blankets held tightly in her fragile arms. She set down a blue one on my legs while taking the cream one for herself. My hand reached for the fluffy material and opening it over myself covering my exposed legs and arms

"Let me tell you a story" grandma said from beside me. I stared up at the bright stars in the sky contradicting the dark atmosphere shedding beams of light down on us

I looked at my grandma before turning my view back to the night sky

"Once there were two twins, both girls and both overachievers. They always tried to out win each other, see who could have the satisfaction of impressing mommy and daddy the best. Highschool came along and they both entered junior year both holding a 4.0 gpa. They were both set on having the greatest career ever, then one of the sisters get's pregnant at the age of 16 the older twin disowns the other enjoying the situation more than needed. The older twin thought she finally won. Ever since that day they hated each other" she finished the story with a sigh

"What was the point in telling me that?" I said my voice faltering a little

"My point is that those twins where Jane and Jenna" I took a deep shaky breath in allowing the new information to sink in. At one point my mom actually liked jenna? This was news to me also the fact that Jenna got pregnant at 16 how could I have not known that?

My mom was disappointed in Jenna which means she'll be even more disappointed in me

"People always see their parents as some kind of hero, well let me tell you something darling, the parents aren't always the good guys and their enemies aren't always the bad" my grandma said before getting up and entering the house again leaving me with new information and vile thoughts

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now