Ch 15

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The next chapter is going up tomorrow, this one is short :(
I jolted up from my seat in a flash and on shaky legs

My heart pounded in my chest, my ears throbbed, sweat formed in my clammy hands

I took a deep breath then walked towards the nurse, each step felt like an eternity. She looked shocked for a moment then quickly recovered putting on what seemed like a smile with an underlying grimace

My brother followed behind me as the nurse led me into a white room with a bed and a tv hooked up to some machine thing

The nurse ordered me to take a seat on the bed and I did with some tipy toeing and jumping

Trent sat down on the seemingly uncomfortable chair while Tanner stood next to him with a hardened face

I gave them an anxious smile while then nursed turned on the tv and went to turn off the lights

Tanner gave me a supportive smile and two thumbs up but Trent just stood there with a cold stone face

The nurse ordered me to lean back and pull my shirt up to the bottom of my breast. In her hand was a blue bottle of gel which she opened with a pop "it's cold " she said pouring it onto her gloved hand "you ready?" She asked placing her hand above my stomach

I nodded timidly and she began to rub the gel onto my stomach

My whole body tensed while I tried to get used to the chill

Once she finished rubbing it in she replaced her blue latex gloves with new ones

She sat down on what resembled a computer chair and moved towards me. The nurse grabbed a monitor and positioned it above my belly and waited till I gave her my nod of approval

She moved the monitor around then she stopped

An inchoherent blob appeared on the screen

Is that the baby?

I stared confused at the screen

And then she began moving the monitor again "I'm just checking your organs" she mumbled staring at the screen

After a while of USELESS checking she said "you ready to see the baby?"

"Yea" I chocked out and my heart started beating faster with every second threatening to fly out of my chest

The monitor moved lower until it reached my lower belly, the pressure was somewhat uncomfortable on my sore belly

The image was still Incoherent to me but then the nurse froze

She turned to look at me pitifully then turned back to the screen and asked "are there any twins in your family? In the fathers family?"

I looked at the screen confused and answered "well my moms a twin and um the um dad is a twin"I said still trying to understand the screen "why?" I asked suspiciously my heart began to pick up more speed in my chest

"Because honey" the nurse began then looked at me "you're having twins" she said

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now