Ch 24

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I looked at myself in the full length mirror

The baby bump was visible, barely but still visible

I tucked my red plaid shirt into khaki cargo trousers a black blazer going with the outfit and to finish it off, black vans

Th ends of my hair fell in spiral curls down my back, I observed my belly once more making sure It's been hidden then sighed walking out my room

Gabriel sat on an island stool, his phone in hand. He glanced up at me then stuffed his phone away in his pocket. He rose from the chair and grabbed his coat exiting through the front door

Is he really that repulsed?

Why isn't he in school anyway?

I huffed and took a seat on the couch waiting for Tanner

Five minutes passed of me staring at a blank TV screen before Gabriel walked in

"Come" he said from the door

"What?" I asked stupidly

"Let's go" he said irritated

"Go where?" I asked, getting up. Maybe he's going to take me on some romantic getaway where we will go to fancy restaurants and watch the fire dancers while we eat glorious meals, I thought foolishly, Get it togetherrrrrrr Tiff

"You have an appointment, don't you?" He said running his hand through his hair, his silky black hair, looking as sexy as ever, I can't get it together when he looks like thattt

I brushed the thoughts away and slumped my shoulders "I thought Tann- where is Tanner?" 

Gabriel shrugged and said "college" before returning outside again, I nodded and followed him, but once I stepped a foot over the door an icy breeze passed over me

Holding my blazer tighter to me I followed Gabriel

A noticed a third car parked near the house, a shiny black Camaro

"Is this your car?" I asked Gabriel as we walked towards it

He nodded, opening the door and getting in

"I thought you said your foster mom was a therapist" I asked getting into to the passenger seat

"She is"

"So is your foster dad like super rich?"

"Nope" he said turning the car on

I clasped the seat belt over me and said "oh"

He must have bought it himself then, the faint smell of new car still hung in the air

I went to turn on the radio when a hand shot out to stop it grabbing me by the wrist

"Wha-" I asked

"Don't-" he said, staring at me with those cold eyes, colder than usual



"Touch" he finished

I rolled my eyes and yanked my hand away from his grasp

His hands then went to the radio turning it on. Immediately drums, guitars and yelling were heard through the speakers 

My mouth opened in exasperation "I-" I began to say, but then was cut off when his cold glare landed on me once again, I huffed and turned away, pulling on my seatbelt

After a long silence between me and Gabriel I asked "why is there holes in the front? It's not like the car needs to breath?"

He ignored me as expected, keeping his jaw locked, one hand on the wheel and eyes glued to the road

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now