Ch 28

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His hands gently rested on my hips as I turned around the song was no longer fast paced but still enough to dance to, he seemed hesitant keeping an appropriate distance between us

I dont do appropriate-obviously-

I grabbed his arms and put them around my waist and moved to the beat. The warmth radiated from his body to mine fogging my brain up. I no longer thought, all I did was feel. Having him this close to me is like a spell preventing any logical thought from registering in my brain

I didn't notice my surrounding until Jamie was pulling me away by my waist and turning me around until she was against Gabriel, a spark of jealousy flamed within me but I tried to keep it at bay, knowing my fun with Gabriel was over. Jaime rubbed herself against him and I turned away before seeing his face

Trent threw his arm around me and yelled out the lyrics jumping the the beat, his breath laced with the smell of alcohol, when he saw my lack of excitement he turned and started making funny faces as he sang, eventually a smile cracked on my face as he crossed him eyes and bobbed him head and yelled out the rapping part I joined him after

The song changed and Carmen faced Gigi's sister glaring at her, they stood a few feet away in a rigid stance like tigers getting ready to pounce

Heather didnt back down instead she smirked taking in the challenge dropping her cup to the floor after taking a long sip

As the actual beat began Heather grabbed my brother pushing him against a chair she stood in front of him then started twerking on him

My brother looked like a child on christmas opening his presents, a smile so big it could have broken his face

Carmen seethed, she took off her crop top off showing off her black and red bra

The boys howled in excitement and I visibly grimaced

Carmen grabbed the closest person to her and jumped on them wrapping her legs around him

Heather took off her tank top and rubbed her boobs against my brothers face

If possible his smile grew wider

Carmen then took off her leggings and walked over to Gabriel who was talking to Gigi

Jaime came beside me and said "damn it she's always taking my boyfriends"

Gabriel tried to brush her off until she groped him, I stood there frozen in shock with my mouth hanging open

He looked at me for a second then pushed her away

"He just looked at me"Jjaime smiled then hummed to herself "he totally wants me" she said before stalking over to them but Gigi grabbed Gabriels arms and walked away from her

I held back a grin and looked towards my brother who was still sitting down grabbing onto Heathers butt while she continued to dance

Carmen huffed and walked over to them trying to push her off

Heather stood up calmly and punched Carmen square in the face, I grimaced as shouting arose in the crowds

Carmen tried to kick her, but Heather already had a fistful of her hair dragging her across the grass covered floor, Carmen's loud shrieks echoed throughout the thick forest

Several people rushed over to them pulling them off as I turned away

Soon night came turning the woods into a dark mystery, the smell remained only in my memory due to my stuffy nose

I snuggled into the sleeping bag conserving warmth, my bad was placed on the far left of the tent, Jaimes was directly next to me and a few feet away were Carmen and Brianna

"I heard you live with Gabriel" Jaime murmured from beside me her voice thick with sleep

"From where?" I murmured back my voice mirroring hers

She shuffled in her bed then said "Gigi"

I turned to face her, in the dark I could faintly see the outline of her head resting on her hands propped up by her elbows "yea...I do"I whispered

"Why?" She asked suspiciously

I sat up, sorta, leaning on one arm with the other ticked under my leg "his brother lives with mine" I explained

Jaime sat up also, she crossed her legs and looked at me "so you're like siblings right?"

"Not really"

"Bu you live together" she reasoned "he's like you brother and you're like his sister"

"I mean I guess"

She sighed and laid down again "and besides...he's too old for you"

I huffed shrugging then laying down, agreeing with her even though by tomorrow I would be fifteen

"Why do you live with your brother anyway? Trent lives with your mom from what I heard"

Apperently Jaime hears alot, in silence I tried to come up with an excuse "um-" I began to say but was thankfully cut off Brianna

"Can you guys shut up?"

Silently I pulled the blanket over myself and thought over the conversation

Were we really like brother and sister?

A sudden feeling of disdain arised aimed toward Jaime, I pushed it away seeing as how she was my only friend

Then my thoughts wandered to Hannah and Aiden, were they sleeping Soundlessly or were they awake from the stress caused by the program

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