Ch 34

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*this chapter has a lot of counting to three but please bear with me, also a very long chapter*

I looked at the vast closet in front of me. Even after months, the size and beauty still seemed to strike me. The chilling light from outside barely lit up the closet

My eyes casually wondered over the selection of clothes before picking out a loose fitted black and white long sleeved shirt with a pair of khaki pants then dropped them on my unmade bed

After my quick shower, my hair was left to air dry leaving it wavy and tousled

I walked out of my room and into the living room. Gabriel stood in the kitchen calmly taking thing out of the refrigerator  

My outfit then seemed to plain. I wanted him to not regret kissing me, I wanted to to impress him, I wanted him to want me

"Where's Caleb?" I asked shutting down my unstable thoughts

Gabriel ignored my presence as he continued to pull from the fridge "outside" he said dismissively 

I was hurt by his taciturnity, not that it wasn't unusual but after the time in the lake I expected things to change 

This will not go unnoticed

I glared at the back of his head as I walked out the house

A shiver raked through my body as I stepped out into the chilly March air, the sun had little to none affect from behind the clouds making the world seem to have a blue hue

"Caleb?" I called out to the empty front yard, nothing but a few empty trees and distant houses came to my view

"Not here" he said from the side of the house

I rolled my eyes and followed his voice to see him with some tools in hand fixing a grey box

"The lights went out" he told me whole staring intently inside "tell Gabriel to take you while I fix it"

Ambivalent feeling rose and I treaded towards the house, I don't know how I should feel about this

Gabriel looked through the empty refrigerator looking for anything else to take out

I cleared my throat loudly causing him to turn to be for a fraction of a second before turning back and closing the refrigerator door

"Your brother told me to tell you to take me" I told him crossing my arms to look uncaring

"I can't" he said to me while rearranging the food on the island

"Why?" I asked glaring at him

"Because I don't want to" he said brushing past me, heading towards the couch

"So you're just gonna stay here? With no light?" He continued walking "with no wifi" then he stopped before heading in the other direction to his room coming out with a black hoodie and a jean jacket

He put his hoodie on and walked out the house

I hurried to my room grabbing a jacket then followed im Gabriel trail, getting in his car after saying a quick goodbye to Caleb

"Are you coming?" I asked him taking of my seat belt

His shook his head, his eyes shooting over the empty parking lot

Sill avoiding me I see

"Suit yourself" I muttered before closing the door behind me and heading off to the building

I skipped happily to the car and threw the door open "I found out the gender"  I squealed excitedly

Gabriel kept his eyes ahead as he began to pull out of the parking lot

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