Ch 31

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"You don't talk much" Jaime said to Gabriel, sitting on her legs

Gabriel looked over to our side of the tent and glared at Gigi so hard even I cowered

"Maybe we should switch beds" Gigi said to me "I mean this is Trent's sleeping bag after all"

The fierce look on Gabriel face stopped me from complying plus that I'm still mad at him, as stupid as it seems"I'm good"

"Then you should switch with Jaime" Jaime glared at her also as Gigi continued talking "she has the softest sleeping bag, it good for you back"

"What's wrong with her back? She seems pretty fine to me" Jaime said

My eyes flickered to Gigi and Gabriel all of us exchanging awkward glances

"She's on her period" Gabriel said

I smiled in relief

Jaime climbed closer to us taking a seat next to him "and how do you know that?" She asked cocking her head

"He had to give her a massage" Gigi said

"Yup greatest massage ever" I added onto her lie

"Well maybe you could give me a massage too, my back is kinda hurting" Jaime said to Gabriel

Maybe from arching it all day, I though bitterly

"They're lying" he muttered

"Well I bet you could give me a great massage anyway"

"I could" he said coming closer to me and Gigi taking a spot to her side

Jaime followed and we made a somewhat circle

"We should play truth or dare" Gigi suggested

"I don't know" I said

"C'mon" Jaime said excitedly




"Just play"

"Whatever" I said sitting in criss cross apple sauce

"Ok I'll start" Jaime said "Tiffany, truth or dare"

I looked at her, and to be safe I choose Truth

"I'll start out easy" she said then asked "when was your first kiss? Like real kiss"

My cheeks flushed "I mean heh I haven't had a real kiss" I said

Everyone stared at me confused "but didn't you...?" Jaime asked confused

"Yea" I said covering my face with my hair "but we didn't that"

"Oh" she said understanding "your turn"

I turned to Gigi with a smile cocking my head to the side "truth or dare?" I asked her

She smiled back at me challengingly "dare" she said

"I dare you to go over to your sisters tent and ask if you can join" I said smiling

The smile slipped off her face replaced with horror "oh my god"

I nodded in triumph

"Ok I'll do it" she said "under one condition"

"That isn't how it works" I said crossing my arms"but what?"

"After I ask you truth or dare"

I thought about it, what's the worst she can do? She already knows about the babies "ok" I said

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