Ch 43

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September 1, 2015

Tanner drove back in the morning, he said it was to check in the ruins but I know it was also to see mom, I heard him talking to her early in the morning

I walked into the kitchen with the baby monitor in my hand "how long do you have to stay in that wheelchair?" I asked Trent

"I don't know but if I stay any longer I will roll myself off a cliff"

I laughed, Trent always had a way of brightening the mood, I took a seat on the island chair and twirled the monitor around

"So" he said craning his neck "have you thought about what I said about mom?"

"I saw her when you were at the hospital, she could barely even looked at me" I told him swinging myself from side to side on the chair "so I think that's evidence enough"

"Tiffany, please, at least try to make things right" Trent begged

"She looks fine without me" 

"Tiffanyyyy" he whined

"I don't know why you're doing this because if you were in my place she would do the exact same thing to you"

"I know, that's why I'm begging for you to make things right" he gripped my hand "please and frankly I can't get pregnant so I can't ever be in that situation"

"Fine fine" I told him getting up

"As soon as possible" he said

"Alright" but he didn't know that my as soon as possible would be as soon as school started

A few hours later, Tanner was back

We all sat in the movie room negotiating what to watch

"Ted 2 is only for shit faces like you" I yelled pulling back the controller from Trent

"Oh really? Who wants to see a movie about an old lady who fucked her sons bestfriend seriously that sounds like the plot of a porn video" he yelled at me pulling the remote back further

"The boy next door has jennifer Lopez in it, besides who wants to watch a movie about a talking teddy bear? What are we? five?"

"Come on, the teddy bear curses, it's funny"

I yelled

He yelled

Then we both looked at Tanner who was attempting to throw popcorn in the air and catch it with his mouth, his coordination skills obviously lacked seeing as he missed and missed and missed and then as I was expecting another miss it finally went inside

Tanner jerked forward clutching his chest in a fit of coughs

"Tanner, stop dying and agree with me" Trent told him

Tanner glared at him while coughing, his face turning a rose color

I gave him my cup of soda and he gulped it all down, I slapped him beside the head as he put the cup down "you drank all of it"

He rolled his eyes and said "I want to watch Star Wars"

Trent groaned and said "your input is irrelevant, Ted 2 or The Boy Next Door"

"Ted 2" he replied

"Great, we're watching The boy Next Door" I said

Tent screamed, I screamed

"I just had two babies you will all listen to me"

"That was like two months ago besides, I'm in a wheelchair!"

"I birthed two babies!!!"

"I was in a car accident!!!"

"I carried them for seven months"

"I missed nationals"

"I'm the oldest so we're watching Star Wars" Tanner said snatching the control from Trents hand

"You have a very bad habit" Trent said to me sulking in the chair

I mirrored his position leaning back into the chair and crossing my arms "oh dear brother, please tell me what it is ?"

He leaned closer to me from beside Tanner "breathing" 

"shut up you dipshit" I retorted, it was that time my grandma decided to walk in

"What is this Tiffany? You have a disgusting mouth for such a young lady" she scorned, I cowered back in my seat

Grandma never criticized me or any of us, it was like a stab to the heart

My head dropped in shame

"Sorry grandma" I apologized

"The correct phrase is I am sorry but, it's not me you should be apologizing to" she walked towards us with the grace of a princess and sat down with the elegance of one too

I peeked up at Trent who was waiting, he looked at me with cocky eyes

"Trent wipe that smirk of your face, you are awfully smug about something that hasn't happened yet" grandma said

I took this time to apologize "I am sorry Trent"

Sorry for the delays

The book is almost finished 3 more chapters to go, 4 if you add the part 1 and part 2

Next update: March 17




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