Ch 25

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I ran a sweaty hand over my black pants. Going back to wearing uniform would draw less attention, that's the last thing I needed right now

A grey sweater was worn above my white collared tee shirt and over that was a my black leather jacket with a grey infinity scarf. On my feet were white converse and my hair was left in my natural waves with a grey beanie

The sweater, jacket and scarf were very helpful in hiding my growing belly

I let out a shaky breath before leaving the house and throwing my sandwich in the trashcan

"We're late" Gabriel said as I got into his car

I nodded slowly in agreement and shakily put my seatbelt on

Gabriel started the car and my stomach turned uncomfortably

The car started pulling out of the driveway, my leg began to bounce

He pulled the car onto the road, my head began to feel heavy

I laid my head against the seat and tried to steady my racing heart

Gabriel glanced at me for a second before making a turn and said "Don't let them see you nervous"

I nodded but it's easier said than done. I averted my gaze to the ceiling, my heartbeat slowly steadying but the uneasy feeling remaining

The car stopped at a red light then I heard Gabriel sigh before my hand was incased in his

There goes my steady heart

My gaze clinged to our combined hands just out of view from the window loving the feeling of his rough warm hands against my soft sweaty ones. My eyes widened at the realization

Can he tell my hands are sweaty?

I looked up at him to see him calmly staring ahead and thought maybe he doesn't notice or just doesn't care

I looked towards the window trying to contain my smile that soon fell as the school building came into view

Gabriel gave me a tight squeeze before getting out the car

I followed after him reluctantly, he fell into my slow stride and said "keep you head high and act like nothing happened, don't draw too much attention to yourself either. Don't show that what happened had any affect on you"

I nodded entering the school. Gabriel followed me all the way to my classroom door where he forced me to go in

I stepped inside a few people glanced up from their papers at me then nudged their friends who nudged their neighbors and that's when the whole class looked at me as if expecting me to break down right then and there. Two people were missing, Aiden and Hannah

I remembered what Gabriel said and straightened my back taking cautious steps forward staring at my teacher and the whispers began

With every step they grew louder until the whole class was talking

The teacher shushed them all demanding they go back to their worksheets, they quieted down but gazes remained on me

"Tiffany" the teacher said I broke my glance away from the class and looked at him "I see you're back any reason for your absence?"

Everyone leaned closer their attention fully on me

I gulped and shook my head handing him my late pass then walking towards my seat avoiding all possible eye contact

"Stay after class" he said then turned back to his desk

I stared down at the work sheet and mentally groaned what the heck am I supposed to know about binary machines?

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now