Ch 5

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I woke up doing what has now become my morning routine: vomiting, showering then changing

I walked down happily down the staircase, my ponytail brushing against my shoulder with each step and took a seat in front of Trent who hungrily stuffed Mac and Cheese into his mouth. I grimaced at the sight of the beastly creature

My elbow placed itself on the island and I held my head up with my left hand leaning forward, with my right hand I gruffly moved the food around the the plate "I feel fat" I said lookin down at my plate. My black and blue crop top jumper was becoming itchy and uncomfortable, my black ripped jeans squeezed tightly on my waist and a pair of sneakers all accessorized with a gold chain and a gold michael kors wrist watch

Trent barely looked up "you are" he said with a full mouth giving me a front row seat view of the slimy yellow food that lay on his teeth

I scoffed and he gave me a dirty look before throwing his dish in the sink, he threw on his jacket and waited for me by the door on his phone

I followed suit pulling on my black leather jacket and swinging on my weightless backpack over my shoulder

Walking into school with a McDonalds biscuit burger clutched in my hands and immediately turn famous, as I walked by people eyed my burger with watering mouths and a fiery streak of desire in their eyes. A smug smile spread across my face as I took a seat ready to take a bite when someone just had to interrupt "can I have a piece?" Michael said holding out his hand

I looked him dead in the eye without any signs of emotions and replied woth a cold "no" then proceeded to take a large bite of MY burger

Michael looked away, he knew better than to push it especially the likes of him, a bully. I was getting ready to take another bite when it was snatched from my grasp my head immediatley turned to cause

Aiden sat across from me happily chewing on MY food. I jumped out of my seat and forcefully grabbed it back before hitting Aiden upside the head

School passed by in a blur and before I knew it people were scurrying to the exit. I walked up to my group of friends announcing I had detention then waited for them to leave before I crept into the staircase and started using my phone

The door opened revealing a anxious looking Aiden "hey" he said stuffing his hands into his pockets "we need to talk" what does he mean? Did he find out about the baby? HOW!?

I stuffed the phone in my back pocket and leaned up against the wall keeping my face impassive avoiding any sign of emotions "about what?" I said smoothly mentally patting myself in the back for not stuttering

Aiden eyed the cream colored walls, moving back and fourth on the balls of his feet before his blue eyes met mine and he cleared his throat "us"

I pushed myself off the wall and crossed my arms, jutting my chin out "what about us?"

"I dont think this is going to work out anymore" he said gaining more confidence

I licked my quickly drying lips trying to keep my face emotionless but it was hard trying to fight down the lump arising in my throat "why?" I asked trying to seem as if his words aren't affecting me

His ebony hair got in his face as he bowed his head and looked up at me "you want the truth?"

I could only nod timidly, my voice is not strong enough

"Look" he began, leaning against the wall staring down at his squeaky clean sneakers "I never liked you"


The lump in my throat grew as I tried to forcefully push it down "I used you to get to Sierra"


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