Ch 11

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I could practically see his whole face drop, the way his pupils got smaller, the way his tan skin paled drastically, the way his mouth hung open just the slightest bit

"What?" He asked. When I didn't answer he began "no no no no" he said repeatedly shaking his head, his hands escaped his pockets and made it's way to his messy ebony hair

Familiar tears pricked my eyes I nodded my head in shame "yes" I whispered my voice hoarse by the tears choking me down

"You're lying" he accused pointing a shaky finger in my direction

"No I'm not" my head hung in shame, the loose hairs flew into my face providing small blinds for my face

"I can't be a dad" he said before leaving through the red school doors and leaving me alone once again. I always end up alone in the staircase one way or another, it's like it's cursed

I was a fool to even think he would want this baby, he doesn't even want me

I sent a quick text to Caleb, telling him to pick me up instead of Tanner, I didn't want to deal with him

My phone pinged

Caleb: ok 

I put on headphones and closed my eyes, the ride was awkward but I didn't care. I have bigger things to worry about

"Thanks" I said as we pulled up to the house, I closed the door and didn't look back

I walked into my room, my sanctuary with wet cheeks and laid back on the small uncomfortable bed staring at the pale white ceiling

I wiped my cheeks with the back of my sleeve

What was I thinking? I can't take care of this baby on my own. I'm fourteen the best job at this age will probably be at McDonalds with a whole bunch of other people with broken dreams and a broken future

The baby can be put into an orphanage, but the orphanages here are cruel. The baby will need someone who shows them love and affection not people who are paid to take care of it, yet again it's not like I have a choice. My hand slid down to my belly. It hasnt been born yet but I already love it no matter what

My bedroom door opened and Tanner poked his head in, I hadn't even heard the house door open. He walked in and sat at the edge of my bed

"You have a doctors appointment in three days, it's for the baby" Tanner said looking at a green wall with a smile on his face

I lifted the top part of my body off the bed and leaned on my elbows "how?" I asked shocked

"Connections" he said looking at me before walking out through the door. A smile lit my face, I'm going to see my baby. The little innocent creature that's already causing me hell. I layed back on my bed looking at the ceiling except this time with a wholehearted grin plasted on my face

I'm actually going to see my baby. A small giggle left my mouth. MY baby, not Aidens baby, not our baby, my baby. I don't need Aiden...actually I need as much people as I can get to keep this baby. Unfortunately I don't have those type of people except my fairly awesome brothers. The grin slowly slid of my face leaving me with a pained expression. The baby will have to be put up for adoption

Will the baby feel rejected there? Unloved? Unsafe? Maybe...maybe if I get a job and start saving now I will be able too provide for my baby

It's official on Monday I will get my working papers from the school and get a job

My leather bookbag laid in the bedroom corner near the lamp. Might as well get an education


Waking up in the middle of the night isn't my favorite thing especially when it's cause by acid climbing up my thoat trying to find release. When I finished I put some snicker ice cream into a bowl and ate away on the island

The door directly across the island the only part of the hallway the brick wall didn't cover squeaked. Caleb came out and lazily took a seat next to me. His brown hair messily covered his forehead and his green eyes looked tired

"Did I wake you?' I whispered quietly

"Yes" he replied in his morning voice while rubbing the little hairs on his chin

"I'm sorry" I apologized taking a spoonful from the bowl

"It's okay" he said getting up and putting some ice cream in a bowl then grabbing a spoon and sitting next to me

"What's up?" I said with a mouth full of ice cream

"My brother is gonna stay here for a while" Caleb said with a full mouth of ice cream

"I didn't know you had a brother" I said taking a spoonful of my own

"Yea, he's adopted"

"why's he coming?"

"Family problems but he goes to your school"

I hummed an ok and continued eating my ice cream till I fell asleep with my head on the cold wooden island


I sat down on the comforable cream colored couch and watch the tv that was hooked on the brick wall like I was planning to do for my whole sad miserable weekend. The fireplace near the couch provided heat as I ate from a bowl full of ice cream because who doesn't love Saturday mornings?

Tanner and Caleb left a few minutes ago claiming they had to help prepare for the best party of the month. Calebs brother would be here anytime soon apparently he's been told to babysit me because he wasn't allowed to go to a college party at the age of sixteen

Not a minute later the sound of a car pulling up sounded through the window. Arrow was getting good now I can't get up , there's a copycat arrow what could he want? Who could he be?

The car door slammed close and the bell rang throughout the house. Just a few more second. The doorbell rang again as the copycat talked before shooting an arrow to the actual arrow. fuck

My eyes stayed glued to the tv as I opened the door

The person at the door cleared their throat causing my eyes snapped away from the tv and eye the Adonis that stood before me. Instantly my cheeks flushed, there was a drip somewhere... Instant wet. His black hair was pulled up and to the side while the sides of his hair were a bit shorter, his grey eyes were unreadable, cold and reserved. I quickly looked away from his intese gaze and took two steps back allowing the stranger inside the house. Calebs brother stepped in the house giving me more time to check him out. He wore a greyish blueish zip up hoodie, over that he had a opened all black leather varsity jacket with jeans that were ripped at the knees and combat boots in other words he looked hot and strangely familiar. He went into Calebs room then came out without his black Northface bookbag

"I'm Tiffany by the way" I said shyly closing the door

"Gabriel" he replied before taking his other bag he left at the door, walking into Calebs room and never coming out

Pregnant at 14Where stories live. Discover now