Ch 19

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"hey kiddo" my dad said "Jenna called me" he continued sitting on the coffee table with his tailored expensive black Armani suite seeming out of place in this small wooden cabin

"Why would Jenna call you?" I asked looking at the wooden ceiling, avoiding all possible eye contact with the man who is my dad but not my father

"She told me about what happened" he said. His voice was raspy, like a smokers voice

"Oh" I whispered closing my eyes trying to relieve this painful throbbing in my head

"And then I went to Jane's asking for you and you know what she told me? She said you don't live here anymore. That woman is nothing but pure evil, disowning my child" my dad ranted

Is that why you left us? I felt like asking but bit my tongue back at his last statement and immediately felt guilty. Am I evil? For having to disown my child? Especially one who did nothing wrong I brushed the thought to the back of my head with everything else that can make me go insane and listened to my dad "that's why I thought you could come with me for a while" he finished

I turned to look at him and that's when Trent came through the door "dad?" He called out confused

My dads head whipped back towards the entrance "hi son" he said

A large smile lit Trents face "are you here for my birthday?" He asked

Like a gaping fish my dads mouth closed and open trying to find something to say, he looked towards me uneasily then back at trent and answered, "yes" he lied

"Oh" Trent laughed, his eyes shining brightly "well it's a little late, but I guess that's good" he said looking at me during the last part, I offered him a small forced smile in return

Tanner came from the kitchen with a three mugs, two in one hand and one in the other. He hurriedly placed them behind dad on the coffee table and moved some of the party cups out of the way. The warm comforting smell of hot chocolate immediately wafted into my nose and I sat up to reached around dad taking a warm mug into my hands

Dad was left with an empty hand

"Where's dads?" Trent asked sipping from the christmas themed mug

"He doesn't deserve one" Tanner said coldly

My eyes widened at his harsh tone. This isn't normal Tanner

"He came for my birthday, go get him a cup" Trent ordered Tanner

"No it's okay, I'm not too fond of hot chocolate anyway" dad said sitting next to me

Tanner scoffed rolling his eyes and leaning against the nearest wall

A vacation from this mess would be nice

"Dads taking me to Cali" I said to the guys

"Can we come too?" Trent asked, hope gleamed in his hazel eyes

"I don't think that would be good...for Tiffany" he replied. I would have believed him is his eye contact didn't waver just the slightest and his shoulders didn't slouch. Tanner and Trent seemed to notice this too a moment of silence passed before Trent said "I didn't want to go with you anyway" before storming out of the room

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