Chapter 31

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Esma is worn out and sleeps off. Ryder goes to the bathroom and gets a towel dipped in warm water and cleans up Esma. Reed puts Esma into his t shirt. Esma is cuddled by both twins and they too sleep off with her.

Esma feels many hands up and down here face and body. She snaps her eyes open and sees 2 pairs of beautiful eyes staring back et her.

" You awake Love!" asks Reed in a husky tone.

Esma nods and she blushes deep suddenly remembering she is naked!!
Esma tries to pull the bedsheet on herself but it is stopped midway by Ryder.

" We like you naked all the time. You have no idea how much you affect us Esma. You are always on our mind sweetheart" says Ryder

" Let's get dressed before we take you again and we get late for the club" says Reed. He kisses her hard and deep and gets off the bed to get dressed.

Ryder does the same and squeeze her waist hard and goes to get dressed.

Esma is all hot and bothered and lets out a frustrated growl and drags herself out of the bed to get dressed.

Carlos is waiting with Esma for the twins to come so that they can start to the club

" Seriously Carlos they take so much time to get ready when I am already ready 20 minutes ago. Shouldn't it be the other way round" says an amused Esma.

Carlos chuckles and shakes his head agreeing with her.

The twins join them and Esma isn't able to take her eyes if them.

" You have a little drool on the side love" says Ryder to Esma cockily and licks it with his tongue.

Esma gasps and lowers her head and shakes them.

Ryder and Carlos walk ahead while Reed and Esma follow them. Reed has her hand in his and Esma feels safe.

They pull up at the club and are immediately surrounded by Ben, Aaron and Heath.

All of them are in the VIP section having drinks.

" What do you want love" asks Ben to Esma

" Esma .... ESMA is her name BEN" says an irked Ryder and just don't get her drunk please

" But I love the drunk Esma rather than the sober Esma" says Ben with a wink

" Do you have a death wish mate" asks Carlos looking at Ben

" Whatever guys.... You are all boring.... Ben can we go and dance" says an excited Esma

" No" say all the boys in unison except for Ben

"Yes! My love, we shall go" says Ben getting a glare from the twins.

Esma laughs at his antics and goes with Ben to the floor. The boys watch Esma like hawk from the VIP section.

Ben and Esma dance like crazy. Ben is also quite good at dancing and he sways her and twirls her around. Esma is thoroughly enjoyed the dance.

" I have never seen the twins so happy Es! I am so happy that you are in their life. Please take care of them" says an emotional Ben while dancing slowly.

" I will always Ben. I would never ever hurt them. I did die before I hurt them" says Esma and places a kiss on his cheeks.

Ben is very happy and hugs her tight and places a kiss on her head.He then leads her to the bar and excuses himself to go to the restroom.

Two men approach Esma and offer her to buy a drink

" No thanks.... I am here with my guys" says Esma and rejects their offer

" Oh come on I don't see any of them around and you don't have to lie to drive us away.... If not a drink can we have a dance with you" says one of the men and proceeds near her.

" I would suggest that you don't do anything stupid with her if you want to keep that pretty face intact" says Ben coming infront of Esma

The rest of the guys see Ben exchange words with the men and they immediately walk upto Esma and surround her

" Is that a threat??" asks one of the men

" Take it however you want"says Ben

" So you are the knight in the shining Armor" scoffs one of the men

"She fucking dosen't need any Knight she can handle herself pretty well" says Ben with proudness

" I am going to love this. I want to fight her" says one of them men licking his lips looking at Esma.

The twins are furious and are about to hit him, Esma stops them

" This is my fight no one interferes. Sometimes it's necessary to put some stupid men in their places and those two are for sure" says Esma

Ryder pulls her into a deep dominant kiss so does Reed.

" All the best guys. You two need a lot of luck tonight" says Aaron with a smirk

Esma removes her heels and sizes the men. Esma is very agile and fast with her moves. One thing she knows is that they aren't fighters and they will be out under a minute.

Esma's mantra was always the same like Md. Ali " Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"

The whole dance floor has been evacuated for the fight. There are cat calls looking at Esma. There are even bets placed on them.

" Make me proud Esma. I have placed a large bet on you" screams Ben

The men try to hit Esma many times but she dodges both of them skillfully. Now the men are blind with rage which is what Esma wanted.

Esma shouts" Float like a BUTTERFLY, STING LIKE A .." the whole crowd screams BEEEE and both the men are out cold on the floor.

Surprisingly the first to react was Heath. He rushes towards her and picks her up and twirls her around and gently places her down.

The twins rush towards her and hug her tight.

" That was fucking hot" says Reed in Esma's ears and she shudders

" God I am hot and bothered after seeing you like that Esma" says Ryder pulling her for a rough kiss

" Oh my god!! You made me even more rich Love" says Ben excitedly and gives her a bone crushing hug

" Stop calling her as LOVE ok!! She is our gal and not yours" yells Ryder

Ben dosen't even notice them and pulls Esma to the bar to get her drunk.

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