Chapter 45

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" Here we come for you our Queen!!" shout out all the boys and walk towards their cars.

All the boys drive towards the warehouse with the speedometer showing the highest number

All the boys reach the warehouse and the guards there do a body search of everyone and lead them towards their boss.

" Welcome boys" says Hunter

The twins are furious and so are the rest of the boys. From the first room two guards come out with Hope, William and Gillian.

The senior Grey's are shocked looking at the boys and Hunter so are the boys shocked looking at the Grey's.

"We are here. Where is Esma?" asks Ryder

" Impatient are we? She is been a brat!! But I love brats" says Hunter and licks his lips.

Reed is furious and steps up to hit him when Aaron stops him.

" Esma is with him thread cautiously" says Aaron

Reed stands back curling his fists.

Two guards bring Esma and she looks in a pretty bad shape. Her lips have busted and one of her eyes have swollen and closed. She's been bruised at many places.

Carlos assess the situation and he eyes Hunter. Hunter himself is in a bad shape. He too has a busted lips, scratches on his neck, bleeding arms.

" Did you do that to Hunter?" asks Carlos looking at Esma.

Esma nods and has a wicked smile. She winces when she smiles

" That's Fucking hot" says Ben

" Shut up! shut up! shut up!" screams Hunter

" You guys will not talk until I tell you to" says Hunter

" What do you want Hunter?" asks Gillian getting angry

" I want you all dead. I want the company in my name" yells Hunter

" Jesus! Stop yelling dude" says Harvey sarcastically

Hunter takes a menacing step towards Harvey and suddenly he is pulled back. Everyone gasps seeing who the person is.

It's none other than the other Mrs. Anna Grey Hunter's mother. Everyone is beyond shock. Hope starts to cry.

" Why would you do that" asks Gillian

" Why? You are asking me why? Because Hunter deserves to be where the twins are!! Why does it always have to be Reed and Ryder for every dam thing?? Why not my son" screams Anna

" Because of this" says Gillian pointing to the whole mess he has created. Hunter you did a very wrong thing and God save you from the twins.

" Not the twins... God save him from Esma"says a haughty Ethan

" Who the fuck are you?" screams Hunter

" I am Esma's elder brother" says Ethan and Eric joins them while pulling the goons along.

" Don't bother to call any of your men all are dead" says Eric and stretches himself

On cue Ryder punches Hunter

" Stop it!" saya Ethan in his Dominant voice. He is not your fight Ryder! He's Esma's"

" What? Are you out of your mind? She can barely stand!" screams Reed

Ethan doesn't talk. He pulls a chair and looks at Esma. Eric sits by his side and both look at Esma sternly.

" Esma this is your fight. You are their Queen show what you are made of. A queen protects her people and I think you should make your start here" says Ethan

Esma looks at Eric and he nods. She looks at Ethan and smiles.

Esma goes to her men. She looks at them lovingly and slowly pulls Ryder for a kiss and then Reed for a kiss.

Esma removes her tore top and her tore pant. She is left with a sports bra and shorts. She looks hot. She goes and hugs Ethan and Eric. Both of them place a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"Bug come back to me in one piece" warns Eric.

Esma takes her stance. Hunter is really a well built guy. It's not easy to win over Hunter. Esma studies her opponent and shows no reaction.

Hunter runs head on and Esma dodges him. Esma keeps rileing him up. Anna is confident that his son will squash her like a bug.

Esma sees Hunter getting frustrated. She is waiting for the right opening. He takes time to turn towards her is when she runs and kicks his knee and he kneels. Esma hold his face and pulls it down form the back.

A snap sound is hear and Esma raises and walks away.

Anna is shocked and she loses it. Gillian cries for his lost son and William consoles him. Hope rushes to her sons and they run towards her and hub her.

Esma is pulled by Ethan into a hug and that is when Esma breaks down. Eric holds her as well.

" I hate this Ethan. Make everything go away please. I was us to be the carefree siblings that we were. I don't want to be any Queen I just want to left alone" says Esma and clutches Ethan's shirt and cries.

Everyone get back home and clean themselves. Hope cleans and stitches up Esma. The twins haven't left the room nor her side. They are holding Esma close to them since they know she needs it right now. Everything that happened was too much to take.

Ethan,Eric and the rest of the boys come to their room. Ryder pulls Esma on his lap and Reed takes her feet and massages them

" Monkey! How are you?" asks Ethan kissing her head

" Worst" says Esma and lays her head on Ryder's shoulder and inhales his strong cologne and feels safe

" This isn't over Es! The whole thing just stared. They were the people you felt that were watching you. But they are not the only ones watching you Es. There's now whole lot of unknown people keeping tabs on us. We need to be extremely careful. Which means you aren't allowed to be alone" says Ethan sternly.

Esma nods her head and doesn't say anything.

Ryder places her slowly on the chair . Reed and Ryder walk infront of her. She looks at them in confusion.

The twins kneel down infront of her and she gasps

" Esma! You have become ours ever since we saw you dance and sing. We did so stupid things that we aren't proud of. We are hot headed and take decisions at spur of the moment which leads us to some messy situation. We promise to work on it as long as you are by our side. We love you Esma! All we can say is we are nothing without you. Please marry us!" says Reed

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