Chapter 28

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Esma and Harvey fall into small talks during their flight.

" The dance with you was memorable Harvey. You were a thorough gentleman. My brothers and my friend felt at ease when I was with you. I am so glad it was you since it was my first at a club" says Esma smiling.

Harvey has a pang of guilt about not telling Esma that Harvey and Javi were brothers. He can't imagine how she would react if she got to know there were siblings.

He just gives her his charming smile and turns away.

" So you work for the Grey's ?" asks Esma.

" He doesn't work for us Esma he is a part of our family" says Hope with full of love for Harvey he is the son I never birthed but he is as close as the twins are to us.

" That's so nice" gushes Esma.

Harvey, Esma and Hope arrive at the venue. The boys are waiting for them at the roof top. As soon as the helicopter lands the boys run towards it. They help Esma and Hope out of it.

Harvey hands over the model to Ryder which is neatly covered. The boys are itching to open it and see.

Harvey glances at Javi and cocks an eyebrow. The boys know that look from Harvey literally ordering his brother to tell Esma the truth.

" Don't worry Javi we got your back. You have to tell her" says Aaron and squeezes his shoulder.

" It's going to be a long day" grumbles Javi.

Reed has a firm hand over Esma's shoulder while walking her to the main area. Esma almost buckles if not for Reed's strong arms holding her.

She is silent and overwhelmed  just by the size and richness of the place and people.

" Say something love. I am not able to understand what are you thinking" says Reed urgently sensing how uncomfortable she is.

" I.. I... this is too much to take it Reed. I have never seen anything like this. The whole room emits power and authority" says Esma softly and she is shaking slightly.

" I am so sorry Esma we had to put you in this position. We have no other way" says Carlos

Esma is sitting on a chair with all the boys surrounding her. Ryder, Harvey, Heath and Aaron step aside to discuss any other possibilities where one of them can explain the project as Esma is too shaken to talk.

" I am sorry to break this but I think it's only Esma who can explain her own project" says Aaron.

" Well well looks like the mighty "Rouge pack"  has fallen" sniggers Tiffiny.

Tiffiny walked with a man who seemed to be like the owner of the company that just stole the Grey's project.

" Get the fuck out of here Tiffiny" barks Harvey. Walk away while you still have your legs attached to your body.

Tiffiny walks closer to Ryder and runs a finger across his jaws. Ryder stiffens and looks dead into her eyes and a small smile spreads across his face.

" Tiffiny you think you won right? You think that we are sulking or broken or lost!! Hell no!! wait and watch us take away the contract and MY GIRL will fucking do it" says Ryder and turns towards his friends.

Just then Javi runs towards them saying Esma is having a panic attack and Ms. Hope has just stepped outside.

Ryder walks past Javi towards Esma. He removes his jacket, his tie and almost runs towards Esma.

He sees her panicking and Reed trying to help her. Ryder picks her up and asks Reed to sit on the chair and puts Esma on his lap. Reed rubs her back slowly. Ryder opens few of his shirt buttons and takes Esma's hand and puts it on his heart.

" Baby feel my heartbeat and breath slowly. Just keep looking into my eyes and listen to my voice love. Inhale.... Exhale.... Inhale.... exhale....." Ryder keeps repeating it.

" Esma how do you love the most Reed on Me" asks Ryder still looking into her eyes.

She keeps looking into Ryder's eyes and can feel Reed tense up a little under her and she can feel Reed squeeze her waist a little too hard.

" I love.... Harvey and Ben the most" says Esma and bursts into laughter.

All the boys laugh along with her.

" Love you too Esma" says Harvey

" Love you three Esma" says Ben and winks at her.

Reed and Ryder smirk and finally give their sexy smiles.

" Esma you will have to explain your project. Will you be ok doing that?" asks Carlos standing close to her. He stands like a shield since he doesn't like the fact that Tiffiny is somewhere there and may harm Esma.

" What if I screw it up?" asks Esma widening her eyes comically.

Reed and Ryder smile fondly looking at Esma's reaction.

" We are already screwed Baby! It doesn't matter much" says Ben putting a hand around her shoulder.

"Well.... Ok I will try but don't tell me I didn't warn you guys" says Esma.

Their company name is called out and Esma walks towards the stage.

" Es! Do your best and let go of the rest sweetheart" says Javi pulling her towards him and giving her a tight hug and a kiss on her head.

She walks on the stage where her model has already been placed. Her eyes searches for her twins. They look at her and nod and gave her a small smile.

" Are you doing the presentation?" asks an elderly man with disgust.

" Is there any problem Sir!" retorts Esma.

" Yes! You do not look qualified to be doing this" he says.

"What makes you say that?" asks Esma calmly. She knows where the fuck this conversation is going.

" You are a..."

" Woman, intern, middle class. Pick whatever you want" says Esma looking dead into his eyes.

Here the boys are ready to kill the man who is hurting their Esma with words.

" Don't react boys. If you react she will break down!! Be her strength, she needs to deal with men like him for the rest of her life. The only thing you can do is make her strong and stand by her" says Hope standing infront of all the boys like an Alpha-female.

"Have you made your pick Sir?" questions Esma.

" Lose the attitude lady! I can...."

" You can what?? Mr. Bruce!" asks the Duke.

" Your Grace! I.. was just telling..."

" Telling what? That she is a woman, an intern or middle class or that you are scared that you may just lose it to her?" questions the Dutchess

Bruce doesn't say a word and sits down.

" You may continue Ms. Esma" says the Duke.

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