Chapter 36

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You are ours and only ours Esma. Please say that you are ours" says Ryder looking into her eyes

" I am always yours Ryder and Reed and forever" says Esma and lays her head on Ryder's chest.

Esma whenever she is extremely happy or sad she talks it out to her parents photo.

"Mom you know I can't share this with Dad, Ethan or Eric. I wish you were alive Mom. The twins make me feel so happy and so complete.

I don't know how to say it or is it even proper for a daughter to say it to her mother. But I will still go forward and say what and how I felt with them

Both their hands were all over me. Dominant and skillful. They left their marks on every inch of me. I never wanted to be possessed by anyone but now that I have tasted them I want to be dominated, possessed and taken by them every single second of my life"says Esma with a soft smile playing on her face.

The twins who are standing near her room door are overwhelmed. In two big strides they are near her. Ryder spuns her around and gently kisses her. Reed lifts her shirt and caress her stomach while kissing her shoulder.

" You mean the world to us Esma. We promise to love you, dominate you, kiss you, possess you at every single second of our lives" says Ryder

Esma sees her bite mark on both the men and has carnal urge to jump at them and bite them again. She licks her lips and keeps looking at it.

" You can bite us again once this bite settles down" says Reed with a smirk as if reading her thoughts

They get ready and go to the office. Esma kisses the twins before going to her work place.

It's almost noon and Esma feels very hungry. She looks out for Javi since she doesn't find him she walks off to a nearby restaurant all alone.

She orders some lunch for her and messages Javi in case he wants anything.

As Esma is eating the back of her hair stands. She feels someone looking at her. She glances her surrounding but dosen't find anyone. She goes to get her dessert and when she is back to her place she sees a note left in her name

" Princess of the twins!! Waiting to get my hands on you"

Esma buckles and sits on the chair. She calls the twins but they are not reachable since they and the boys are in a meeting

She calls Javier and finally he picks up

" Hey!"

" Javi" whispers Esma almost crying

" Es! Where are you? I am coming"

She manages to tell him where she is.

Javi barges into the meeting and one look on his face the boys are running out behind him.

All the boys run all out to where Esma is. As soon as they reach the restaurant Reed is the first to reach Esma. He instantly picks her up and puts her on his lap.

Esma turns and starts to cry and she is shaking like a leaf during a windy day. Reed tightens his hold on her and looks at the boys in concern.

Carlos finds the note. As soon as he sees the note he is alarmed and looks everywhere. The note is passed on and all the boys are on high alert.

Ryder picks up Esma from Reed and gets into the car that Carlos had called out for. They take her straight to their residence. Esma has slept in Ryder's arms during the drive.

Ryder places her on their bed and slowly walks out of her room.

" What the fuck is that?" says Ryder to the boys who have accompanied them.

Ryder and Reed run their fingers through their hair getting agitated.

" Javi what happened? Can you walk us through it" asks Heath

" I got a call from her and she said said my name and started to cry. She somehow managed to tell where she is between her sobs and I rushed to you guys" says Javier clearly feeling bad for leaving her alone.

" Don't Javi" says Ryder seeing Javier about to break down

" I should have been there with her" chokes Javier.

" It's fine. You didn't know something like this could happen" says Reed

" We need to find out who wants to harm her" says Ben

There is a clear of throat and all eyes look into the direction. Javi responds first and goes and hugs Esma and holds her tight, profusely muttering sorry

" Javi it's ok. It wasn't anybody's fault" says Esma with a smile. She walks upto Ryder and slips her hand across his waist

" What happened Love?"asks Ben

" Well I was hunger and wanted to eat something. I searched for Javi but didn't find him so I went off on my own.

I again felt that someone was looking at me. I did check out the premises but found none. Then I went to get my dessert. When I came back I saw the note" says Esma and squeezes Ryder's waist hard to control herself from crying.

Reed comes next to her and holds her shoulder tight.

" I have called Ethan and Eric. I need them" says Esma in a cracking voice.

All the boys know how tight the siblings are. Right now the only people to cheer her is her brothers.

All of them stay back and settle down to watch a movie to clear their heads. But all of them know it's going to get more muddy.

There's a courier in Esma's name and she goes to get it. Javi following her like a shadow. She opens the parcel and then a bloodied dagger falls out of it. Esma screams and the rest of the boys rush to her. There is a note as well written in blood


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