Chapter 11

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"You should come more often now that you like my cooking" says Jen

"Definitely without a doubt" chrips Esma.

As they finished thier lunch Javier offered to drop Esma back home and would pick her up by 7:00 PM.

Once Esma reaches home she decides to sleep for sometime before have bath and getting ready for the evening.

Esma gets up after sometime and goes for a bath and gets ready for the evening.

Esma looks bewitchingly beautiful with her black dress and heels and big earrings. She sprayed some perfume and went down to open the door.

Javier's jaws almost hit the floor as soon as he sees her.

"You look ravishing Es! I am just not able to take my eyes off you" says Javier.

Esma blushes red. He walks upto her and kisses her forehead.

" You look equally handsome Javi" says Esma and pulls him into a hug.

Esma locks her house and both of them walk towards Javi's car. He holds the door for her to get in.

They start off towards the Grey's residence. As they near by Esma is in loss of words as she sees their mansion. It's been decorated and lighted in the most magnificent manner. It looks no less to an actual palace.

"Es close your mouth before you catch a fly" laughs Javier seeing her reaction as she sees the mansion.

" Oh ok" says Esma still cleary captivated by the mansion and the decoration.

They park their car near the and Javi walks towards Esma's side and opens the door and gives his hand to help her out of the car. He passes his car keys to valet.

Esma loops her hand through Javi's arms and walks inside the house.

Ryder and Reed are dressed in a powerful black Armani suits. They ooze dominance and authority. Many of the people present fear just their sight. Both the twins are a sight or behold. Their broad shoulders, intimidating looks, sharp eyes, perfect jawline makes any girl go weak on her knees.

All the girls at the party are literally waiting for a chance just to be near them and feel their aura.

The twins have sauntered around the party and spoken to all their guests. They are waiting for their special "guest" to arrive. The twins are with their parents and thier friends talking to each other when Esma walks in with Javier.

Heath is the first to notice her and he does a double take at her since she looks so beautiful.

" You guys are going to a tough night keeping the men away from Esma" chuckles Aaron.

All the heads turn towards her. They are enchanted by her beauty. She has kept everyone captive with her beauty.

" No one touches what's ours. Boys you will be guarding her. She is not to dance with anyone either than the Rogue pack. Don't even let any other man come near her" says Reed.

" We will not be able to keep eyes on her all night since we will have to talk to the rest of the guests. But Reed and myself will have the first dance with her and then you guys take on from there" says Ryder.

" Oo I like her boys. She is so beautiful. You guys make a great couple and will obviously make awesome babies" says Hope.

Both the twins choke on their drinks. Mr. Grey and the boys have a hearty laugh.

" Sweetheart please take it one step at a time" says Mr. Grey.

" Oh please!! have the boys grown old!!that they still don't have thier girl by their side. You guys didn't need much of  hardwork to get the girls to fall for you. What happened now?" asks Mrs. Hope.

" This time the game is different. The opponent is strong and your sons have fallen for her charms and the worst part is she doesn't even spare them a glance. She is to naive and too much into her own world" says Aaron.

" Hmm I think I kind off  like her already. She is making my boys sweat it out. This is going to be interesting" says Mr. Grey looking at Esma who is oblivious to the whole situation.

" She is going to be the death of us brother" says Ryder

" You bet brother!" says Reed. All I want to do she take her far away for all these people. She so want to hold her and kiss her right now. She is making me go crazy.

" Ditto brother Ditto" says Ryder as both of them walk towards her.

" Hello Javi, Hello Ms. Smith" says Reed and extends his hand.

Javier takes his hand.

" Hello Mr. Grey" Esma shakes her hand with a smile.

"Call me Reed! Esma" says Reed and Esma nods her head

"Hello Mr. Grey" says Esma to Ryder and extends her hand.

"Call me Ryder, Esma" says Ryder and pulls her into a hug. He goes wild smelling in her scent but quickly composes himself. It's a pleasure to have you here.

Esma is looking confused at what just happened. Before she can compose herself she is pulled into another warm hug by Reed. He dose the same and smells her scent and he smiles looking her confused state. They both leave them there and go attend the rest of the guests.

" What just happened Javi?" asks a panicked Esma.

"You really don't know??" Javier asks cocking an eyebrow. You are too naive Es. They l....

Before he could complete his sentence Esma is greeted by the Rogue pack.

" Hello partner" says Carlos who's looking as intimidating as ever but looks deadly handsome with that deep scowl of his face. The rest of the guys look very manly and fierce. But they all have a soft smile reserved for Esma. The boys on the Rogue pack are not the one to mess around with. They are friends who could die for each other and also kill for each other.

The boys are very protective about their women and also take took care of the wife's or girlfriends of their friends.

" Hello to you too partner!!says Esma with her brightest smile. After the camp Esma has become more closer to the boys.

" Hello Aaron, Ben and Heath" says Esma lovingly.

" Hello gorgeous" says Ben and pecks her cheeks. Esma turns a shade red and looks at Ben with wide eyes. Aaron, Carlos and Heath stifle their laughs.

Ben can feel someone staring at him and he knows who it is. He turns his face to see Ryder and Reed seething in anger at his antics.

"Can't help it"mouths Ben towards the twins and shrugs his shoulders and turns towards Esma.

" Your dead" says Heath in Ben's ears and smirks. It's gonna be one hell of a night today Ben with the twins. You need all the strength man!!

Javier excuses himself and goes to talk to the people he knows. Esma and the rest of the boys fall into conversation.

"Esma!! Come on I need to introduce to someone" says Reed pulling her along.

" Mom! Dad! This is one of OUR new intern Ms. Esma Smith" says Reed who is joined by Ryder by then.

"Hello Sweetheart!! I am Dr. Hope Grey. You are looking very beautiful dear!" says Hope pulling her into a tight hug.

" Hello Esma! I am William Grey" says William holding Esma's hand in his.

"Hello!! I know you both!! I am so happy to meet you in person. You are beautiful as well Mrs. Grey" says Esma with a little blush on her cheeks.

Unknown to them there are 2 sets of prying eyes wanting to harm the Grey's family.

" This will be OURS soon"say the prying eyes humans

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