Chapter 33

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Carlos, Heath Aaron and the twins stand far and see the whole thing. They feel really bad for Esma. At the same time they are furious because Esma is in Javier's arms.

"I need the keys to my house" asks Esma to the twins when she goes to their cabin

" Well... We have sold up the house" states Ryder

" You what?"screams Esma but swallows her anger and draws a deep breath

" I will crash at Javier's"

" No"

"Yes.. I will no argue on this"

" How many days?" asks Reed grinding his teeth

" 5"

" No 1" says Ryder

" 4"

" No 2" says Reed

"3 and that's final" says Esma equally glaring at them

The twins sigh and give up. They both go to hug her but she stops them and walks out

Heath, Aaron, Carlos, Ben and Javi along with Esma meet up at Ben's club after Esma packs up her stuffs to stay at Javier's place for 3 days

" Es! You sure about it" asks Javi

" Javi if you ask me again I will go live with some random man that I will hook up here" snaps Esma

" Ok ok am sorry" Javi raises his hands in defeat

" What happened love? Why are you angry with the twins?" asks Ben

" ItriedtorideReedandtheygotangry" says Esma quickly

" What? Can you say it slowly" says Aaron

"I tried to ride Reed and they got angry" says Esma blushing beet red

The boys look at her in amusement and shake their heads as they know the twins well

" Look the twins always have been the Alpha Dominant males who like their  woman being Submissive. They don't like others controlling them even if it is making love....I think they might have realised it and believe me they are really upset about the whole thing" says Carlos

" Carlos I .. I just learnt to kiss properly recently and I am still learning, how the hell should I know anything about Dominant or Submissive or any of those controlling shit man! They just could have explained it to me. Not everyone knows everything" snaps Esma

The boys try explaining her things about Dominant and Submissive and try making her understand that the twins are truly sorry. They did not come since they wanted to give her some space.

" So now that Es is ok I would want to challenge Esma about getting the twins to be her Submissive or even get them to kneel infront of her

If she does that I will give her my 3 months profit of the company. What say Esma up for a challenge" asks Ben

" I am in" says Esma looking at Ben

Javi, Heath, Aaron support Ben saying that Esma could never do it

" Come on Carlos who's side are you on" teases Ben

" It's all the way Esma forever" says Carlos and kisses her forehead

" You can take your time Esma there is no time restriction but try to do before the year ends" says Ben with a smirk

" What if she loses? What will she give ?" asks Heath

" If she loses she has to work for my compay and come out with me for a date whenever I ask her" says Ben cheekily.

Esma shakes her head and smiles at him.

All of them finish their drinks and get ready to go home.

" Get ready to lose Benny boy" says Esma in Ben's ears and kisses his cheeks.

Ben laughs and turns away to go.

" Ben I hope you are not having any feelings for her" asks Heath

Ben dosen't answer and turns the other way.

Heath turns Ben towards him and sees his eyes with tears.

" Bennn... No please we already have Javi with a broken heart not you too please" says Heath she is too innocent to understand your feelings man!

" I know Heath.... But what can I do... Look I am not going to cause any trouble ok... I don't even know if I love her or am I having a crush on her. She is everything a man needs. So innocent so loving and fearless and as bold as a lioness" confesses Ben with a crack in his voice

" Don't do something stupid and lose out on all of us ok.... Don't fucking make us choose sides Ben" snaps Heath

" I promise you I will do nothing of that. But the first chance I get incase the twins fuck up I am not going to back down and I will fight for her and I will fight with her to accept me" says Ben and gulps his drink quickly and throws the glass to the wall

Javier and Esma pull up at his residence. Javier's mom is very happy to house Esma.

" Goodnight Es! Sleep well don't think about anything. Give it some time and all will be fine" says Javier and pulls her for a warm big hug. He kisses her head and they stay like that for a while.

Javier pulls himself from her and heads back to his room before he dose something stupid like kissing her or begging her to take him.

" Javi can't you do anything to change her mind" asks his mother

" Mom Esma is a very sorted girl. She knows what she wants. I don't want to do something stupid and lose her forever. I can atleast be close to her this way" says Javier shedding tears and hugging his mom tight.

Here the twins are missing her like hell

" Can't sleep without her kicking and strangling" says Ryder with a soft smile

" Yes can't sleep without her warm body in our arms. That little thing has taken up both our hearts" says Reed
Just hope she come back soon. I hate the thought of her in Javi's home. His mother is hell bent on hooking up Esma with Javi. I just don't want us to screw up again. We need to thread slowly with Esma. She has no clue about most of the things Ryder!

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