Chapter 40

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All the boys are working towards a date to reveal to the people about the come back of the heir of King Jacobie Charles Smithsorenson and Queen Lucinda Jacobie Smithsorenson.

"I think next week would be perfect for the revelation. We have to have the securities beefed up. Everyone needs to have the security details at the back of their heads. No room for error. We are talking about Esma here and we are not going to have a slip up. Am I clear" says the new underboss Ben who has taken his job very seriously

The day is filled with all the necessity arrangements. Ethan and Eric have gone to their house which they brought recently which is nearby to Esma's place.

Javier,Harvey are Janet are lazily swimming in the pool and Esma is letting her steam off on the punching bag.

Carlos and Javier go in search of Esma. They see her punching the bag.

" Hey! Partner" calls out Carlos

Esma dives into Carlos and he catches her on time and she cries her eyes out. He has her in his strong embrace and stroking her hair talking gently to her. Javi feels bad to see Esma this way. It's not ease for people to accept something like being a Mafia Queen.

" I can't Carlos. This, this mafia thing scares the shit out of me. My family will always be in the hit list specially Reed,Ryder,Ethan and Eric. I would die if anything happens to them. I don't want this" cries out Esma

" Esma first of all stop crying. I understand this isn't something easy to accept. I want you to try a little everyday sweetheart. This is the reality and you can not run away from this. We are all there standing by you and protecting you" says Carlos softly like talking to a child

" That's the whole problem Carlos. You guys protecting us. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of us. I don't want this. Just let's give to away to whoever wants it and let us all live in peace" sobs Esma

" And you think it's so easy Es! Wheather you like it or not you are a part of it now. It is good if we reveal you guys so that atleast we know who are enemies are. Now we don't even know who's there to hurt you Es!" says Javier taking her hand in his.

Esma is sitting on the floor with Carlos and Javier on either side of her.They sit like that for a while both the boys holding her hand in theirs. All the three silently promising each other to always be there for everyone.

" Can you guys promise me something" asks Esma finally

" No!! I know where this is going. You will fucking always be my priority Es!. What ever you are asking is going to be done over my dead body" says Javi and storms out

Carlos is also about to go when Esma holds him and pleads him to listen to her.

" You owe me a favour Carlos" says Esma

" What? Which favour?"asks Carlos knowing fully what favour she is asking.

" Remember the twins birthday" says Esma looking dead in his eyes.


The twins birthday was in another two days. Esma planned a surprise birthday party and she planned to propose them on thier birthday. She was tired of waiting for them to ask her so she decided that she would.

She decided to take Harvey's help since she knew the rest of the boys would definitely leak out her plans.
She calls Harvey

" Hey Airman!" says Esma

" My favourite girl!! What's up?" says Harvey

" I have a favour to ask"

" It's a yes whatever it is Pup"says Harvey

" Can you go out with me to the mall I have a few things to buy for the twins for their birthday and I need suggestions" says Esma

" Sure. What time do I pick you up?"

" Now!! I am free and the twins have gone out" says Esma

" Done"

Esma gets ready and is waiting for Harvey. She gets into car once he comes and both go towards the mall.

She tells him about her proposing the twins and Harvey is estatic.

They buy some shirts, ties and t shirts for the twins then they go into the jewellery store.

" This is so perfect" say Esma and Harvey in unison. It's a beautiful thin plain platinum band with one small diamond in the centre.

They get it packed and both go to grab some food. He drops her back.

It's the twins birthday and Esma decides not to wish them and give them a surprise in the evening when they get back

" Ry can believe it Esma didn't wish us!" grumbles Reed. Heck! She didn't even kiss us

Ryder dosen't say anything and he is deep in thoughts thinking about Esma's indifference.

Ryder starts to see the similarity between Tiffiny and Esma's indifference. Tiffiny started to be indifferent and then all hell broke loose. He just wished that it was not the case and Esma would come around. Ryder has severe trust issues after Tiffiny's incident. He dosen't say anything to Reed and they go to the office.

Esma would have taken an off on that day so that she could set up the house before they come. She told them that she wasn't well and she wanted to be left alone.

The day proceeds with Esma decorating the house and preparing all their favourite foods. Mr&Mrs Grey were out for another program and apologized for not able to be present.

Meanwhile the twins are working on their meetings, interviews etc. Ryder's thought are stuck on Esma's indifference from 2 days. He isn't able to concentrate much.

When the twins come back to their cabin they see a brown envelope address to them.By then the rest of the boys join them including Javier and they wish the twins.

Javier suggests that all go to his place have few drinks and then head up to the twins house. All of them agree.

Once everyone is settled at Javier's place he and Ben make some drinks for everyone.

Reed suddenly remembers the package and opens it. Everyone are sitting around the table when he pours the contents from it.

Everyone turns white looking at the contents. Ryder and Reed buckle down.

What do you think is there in the package??

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