Chapter 10

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The guys now know that the twins are really very much serious about Esma and now even if she doesn't want to they will make her theirs by hook or by crook. One thing the guys know that if the twins set thier mind on something or someone they won't rest until they have achieved it.

" God help the girl" whispers Carlos softly.

Esma gets home from the camp and goes directly for a bath. Once, she is cleaned she cooks dinner for herself and settles down infront of her laptop watching some random movies.

She finishes her dinner and gets ready to sleep. She decides to message her brothers Ethan and Eric.

Ethan is 5 years elder to her and Eric 3 years elder to her. They both love her to bits. Ethan is the more responsible one who is strict and always checks on both the siblings.

Hey what's up guys?? She messages them in the group that they have for themselves.

Hey Monkey says Ethan

Hey Bug says Eric.

Seriously you guys will never stop calling me those names is it?? asks Esma

NO WAY comes the prompt reply.

Esma tells about her new job, Javier proposing her, the camp and the fight.

OMG!! Es you  are kick-ass gal says Eric.

Stop praising her Eric says Ethan

What you did was wrong Esma!! You cannot go beating people. This is the last time you will do such stupid things warns Ethan.

Hmm ... Whatever good night says Esma

Es Es talk to us says Eric.

Ethan it's ur fault she isn't talking to us now you fool!! Are you happy now!!


The next morning Esma gets up to a call on her phone.

" Hello Javier"

" Hey Esma!! Good morning and I am coming to your place and we will go out and I don't want to listen to any excuses of yours" says Javier.

" Ok... What time will you be here?

" Will be there by 9 and we will have our breakfast and lunch outside" says Javier.

Esma quickly has bath and gets ready and waits for Javier.

Javier comes to her house and engulfs her a big hug and kisses her forehead.

" Let's go Es! We need to shop for the party tonight at the Grey's as well" says Javier.

Both of them climb into his BMW and off they go towards a restaurant for their breakfast.

" So, what are you planning on wearing today evening" asks Javier.

" Clothes" says Esma with a grin.

" Very funny ha ha.... So I will come by 7 to pick you up and then we can head together to their residence" says Javier.

" Ok done" says Esma.

Both of them finish their breakfast and head out for shopping. He takes her to a boutique.

" Hello Ariel!! Long time no see" says Javi.

" Hello Javi !! Good to see you. So what brings you here? How is this gorgeous lady with you? asks Ariel.

" This is my close friend Esma. We have a party at the Grey's so we wanted to buy something suitable" says Javier.

" Hello Love!! Are you looking at anything in particular? Any style or any colour?asks Ariel

" Hello... Nice to meet you. No, I have nothing on my mind right now!!says Esma.

Ok I will help you with few dress. We will see how they look on you and then decide

Ariel picks up around 4 dresses and shoves Esma into the dressing room to change.

The first four dresses didn't do justice to Esma's body. Finally she wears a black lace dress that fits her body like a glove and stops right below her knees.

" You look beautiful Es" says Javier.

" So it's done I will pick up this dress" says Esma. Can you provide the shoes and accessories with it.

" I will give you a big earring and don't wear any chain since you have a great skin and the neckline is beautiful flaunt it. I will give you a black heels" says Ariel in satisfaction.

They go and chose Javier's suit as well. He opts for a navy blue suit with a white shirt and red tie.

Once they finish their shopping Javier takes Esma to his home. She is wondering how his family would be. Will they be kind like him or obnoxious like the others.

He parks his car infront of his House. It's actually a freaking mansion.

" OMG!! Javier you have a beautiful house. I never knew you were so rich. Why do you even work??asks Esma in a shocked tone.

" My father is a very principled man. He never splurged money and he wanted us to know the importance of money before we take our his business. So I am working at the Grey's to get a hold of how to run a business"says Javier.

"Impressive" chuckles Esma.

Once they go inside Esma is pulled into a warm embrace by his mother.

" Esma? Right" asks Jennifer. Javier' s mother.

" Yes Mam" says Esma.

" Oh please call me Jen" says Jennifer.

" By the way you are much more beautiful than what Javier described you to be. What a pity you didn't like my son" says Jennifer in a sad tone .

" Mom you can't say such things" says Javier in shock

" I... I... Am I don't know what to say Jen. I have never seen Javi in any other way either than a friend" confesses Esma.

" Oh it's alright Esma I was just teasing you" says Jen but Esma sees Jen is clearly sad about the whole rejection thing.

Jennifer goes away to lay the table.

" Am really sorry Es. I never thought mom would say such things. She is a sweetheart Es beleive me" says Javier feeling embarassed by his mom's behaviour.

" It's alright Javi. I understand" says Esma pulling Javier into a hug.

" Thanks for understanding" says Javier and kisses her forehead.

" So who all live in your house" asks Esma.

" It's Dad, Mom my elder brother Harvey and myself" says Javier.

" Harvey got married recently and moved into another house but his family keeps visiting us ever weekend. My sister in law's work place is pretty far from here so he moved closer to her work place" says Javier while walking Esma towards the dining room.

Javier and Esma are joined by Mr. Blackwood Javier's father.

" Hello young lady? You must be Esma right? asks Mr. Blackwood. I am Javier's father Drake Blackwood.

" Yes I am Esma!! And it's a pleasure meeting you Sir" says Esma.

They all settle down to have lunch.

" Omg Jen you cook absolutely delicious" says Esma.

" Thank you so much love" says Jen with a geniune smile.

" You should come more often now that you like my cooking" says Jen

" Definitely without a doubt" chrips Esma.

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