Chapter 39

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" Don't start something you can't end soon love" says Ryder huskily

" Haven't you guys heard something called as quickies" asks Esma raising her eyebrows.

That was enough for the twins. They knew that it was important for Esma to be loved and cared at this point.

Ryder quickly is out of his t shirt and he removes Esma's as well. Esma licks her lips and runs her hand along his torso. Reed comes behind her and runs his hand over her smooth bare back. She turns around and pulls Reed down and smashes her lips on his. She is on high and she needs her release fast

" Please I need you both inside me please" begs Esma

Both the boys don't wait anymore and in one thrust are inside her. Reed in her front and Ryder in her back.

" Faster!!.... Just given in to me NOW" screams Esma

The boys thrust faster and hold her tight which they know are going to leave bruises on her.

" Cum with us baby" says Reed

The twins and Esma cum at the same time. Esma is tired and places her head on Reeds chest and breaths heavily.

" That was awesome" says Esma and kisses both the boys.

Ryder liga her and take her to the shower and cleans her up. The twins know that Esma is still not alright. They are giving her time.

It's not going to be long that she will break down and they wanted to be there for her.

They freshen up and go out to sit with the family for dinner.

Esma walks upto Ethan and hugs him tight. So does Eric. Ethan hugs both his siblings tight and kisses bot their foreheads.

" Can everyone settle down. I have something to say".The twins let Esma sit between her brothers as they know she needs it so do the boys.

" My parents were murdered. They didn't die in an accident. It was my foot ball game My parents along with Janet's parents came over to see my match. Erica was 10 and Esma was 5 and I was 15. We won the match and Dad was happy we wanted to celebrate it. Erica had school and Esma was at my mother's friend's place" Ethan swallows the lump in his throat. Janet squeezes his hand.

" We were on the way to the restaurant and my dad's men knew that he was alone without any security. They started to chase us. Janet and myself were in my parents car and her partner were in a different car. Her parents tried to protect us but they were shot. My parents managed to lose them for a short time. Then dropped us in a safe place and rode off. We saw a huge truck dash their car and few men got down and put the car on fire" Ethan manages to say and breaks down completely

Esma jumps to him and embraces him in a big hug. Eric hugs both of them. Eric looks towards Janet and nods towards her and she immediately huddles between them. All of them cry their eyes out.

Harvey and Javier are beyond angry as their favourite women were hurt.

" We will avenge your parents death" says Carlos looking at Eric, Ethan, Esma and Janet. No one can stop us

" I think the first important thing to do is announce your guys arrival. We should have a party to see who all would pledge their alliances to us" says Mr. Grey

" Yes I think that is really important" says Ryder.

" I guess we should start the preparation" says Heath

Ethan holds his siblings and Janet close for a long time.

" I tried my best to keep you guys away but am sorry I couldn't" says Ethan

" Don't Ethan. No one would have done what you have done for us. We are proud of you Ethan" says Esma and snuggles more into him. Ethan flinches when she holds his waist

Esma backs off an see the pain in his eyes. She hurriedly lifts his shirt and a gasp leaves her mouth. She is crying again.

" What happened Ethan" asks Esma gravely

" They attacked me and sent the bloodied dagger to you Monkey" says Ethan with a weak smile

Something snaps in Esma there's a feral look in her eyes which no one has seen till date.

" I will avenge our parents dead and also the person who hurt you Ethan. I will not back down nor will I rest till I have slayed each and everyone of them how have hurt us and specially the one who hurt you" says Esma

" Spoken like a true Queen" says Ben and wraps her in a hug

"I need to talk to Javi and Ben alone" says Esma and pulls them out

" Look you both are great guys. I am glad that you guys are ready to lay your lives for me. I would glady do the same to any of you guys out there. Be clear about one thing I love the twins and only them. If you guys have any other feelings either than what you should have I did suggest you walk away now. I don't need any distractions now.

Ben what you have for me isn't love it's just respect and infatuation. I love you guys but not the way I love the twins. They are my soulmates and you guys are my best friends and now MY Underboss and MY personal security. I hope we are all ok with this" says Esma and looks at them both

Both the boys huddle her between them hug her tight almost crushing her bones. Kiss her on either sides of her cheeks.

" We love you too Esma" says Ben and Javi in unison but as our Queen

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