Halloween Curiosity

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"See you later!" You call to you friends. You walk away with a smile on your face. You had just finished helping at a haunted house charity event. You and your friends had volunteered to be the monsters wandering the halls. You had dressed up as a (favorite monster).

As you walk home you see flashes of light coming from an old unused building. Your continence told you to keep going but curiosity got the better of you. You silently slip through the door expecting to find another haunted house.

You find yourself in what looks like a warehouse, filled with old crates. The flashes appeared to be coming from the wall of crates just in front of you. Your kept moving forward ignoring your continence as it was now screaming at you to leave and get home.

"Purple light?' You think creeping close still "Maybe these guys went all out with black lights."

As you turn the corner you expect to see a group of teen in monster costumes but instead you see ninjas? " And are those giant turtles?"

As the scene unfolds before you you realize two things. 1. the black ninjas are the ones breaking in and 2. The turtles were pretty cool. A girl around your age seems to be the one giving orders to the ninjas was fighting a turtle in a blue mask. She yelled something that you couldn't make put and three strangely tall ninjas jumped out as a few of the smaller one retreated to stand behind the girl. The red masked turtle lunged forward and plunges his weapon into the nearest ninja and pops its head off. You duck back not wanting to see the blood. You wait but no scream comes and you hear is the sound of metal being ripped apart. Risking a look you slowly peek around the corner and see robot parts littered all over the floor.

"Robot ninjas!" You squeak.

You clap your hands over your mouth praying that the fight was to loud for you to be heard. You turn and dash towards the exit. You crash into a black wall. You look up to see Two ninjas blocking you path to the door. They grab you by the arms and lead you back towards the fight.

"Well, well what do we have here?" the girl sneers

You open your mouth to say something but decide against it and snap your mouth closed. Its not like begging to be let go ever works anyways, it only ever gets you into more trouble. You remain silent as they bind your wrists behind your back. A scream escapes your lips as your roughly thrown over the ninja's shoulder.

The girl gives you a cold stare. "None of that or you'll have more to scream about."

You nod your head to afraid to make another sound.

"Let her go Kari! " A voice yells from somewhere behind you.

"What can you do if I don't?" The girl who you assume is Kari taunts.

"Don't bother answering Leo." Another voice says.

"Why not?" The first voice asks.

" Because you always have the same conversation. The second voice responds."So lets skip all that and get on with the beat down!"

"He has a point Leo" A third voice adds.

"I can't let her go if I don't have her." Kari Responds coolly.

The ninja holing you spun around and made a jump you didn't think possible onto a stack of crates and out a window onto a near by rooftop. Shards of glass fly by you.

"Donnie!" a voice yells. And one of the giant turtles with a purple mask jumps through the window after you. But it's not use. The thing holding you is much faster then the masked turtle and is easily outdistances him, but not before he throws a small disk at you and it catches on your costume.

You now sit in a dark cell. You think back to the turtle in the purple mask that gave chase. At some point during the case one of the robot ninjas grabbed you and took of faster than the turtle could go. You look down at a small black thing nestled in your palm. The turtle had thrown it at you before you had gotten to far and it had caught on you sleeve.

Back in the Lair

Leo's POV

I pace the length of Donnie's lab. Up and down, not able to stand still for a minute.

"I'm not doing anything." I say

"Your pacing is distracting" Donnie huffs "If you have to do it, do it in the other room."

"Chill Donnie." Raph says walking into the lab. "Leo wouldn't be pacing if you weren't taking so long to fix that doohickey."

"This doohickey would be working great if MICKEY hadn't used it as a plate!" Donnie snaps.

"How was I supposed to know it wasn't a plate?" Mikey asks looking up from his comic book. "It kept my pizza warm."

"That's because you shorted out the wires with the pizza grease!" Donnie grumbles "And now I have to replace all the parts!"

"What would make it go faster?" I ask, sounding as impatient as Mickey is when the pizza is late.

"WELL, I would be able to work faster if you all would LEAVE!!" Donnie snap "All this talking contrary to belief isn't helpful!"

I shrug and head for the dojo to see if some meditation or practice will calm me down. But my mind won't let me forget the look of fear on that girls face. Despite her fear she stayed in control of herself. I think back to when we met April and hope that she won't end up like that. Hunted by evil, loss of family and a comfortable life on the surface. Raph stomps into the dojo.

"Why can't we just storm Shredder's lair?" Raph gripes "We know that she's there."

"We can't Raph." I sigh "We can't risk the safety of the girl. Donnie will be able to pinpoint her exact location when he finishes. Storming the building would be suicide for the girl."

Raph sighs knowing we don't have any choice but to wait.

"Dudes Donnie's done!" Mikey yells from the lab." Let's go!"

I step into the lab, Donnie gives me a node and we dash off to the surface.

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