Night Before

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Your POV

True to his word, Leo leads you up top and towards April's house. You'd made sure to bundle up well as it had started snowing again and roof hopping tended to make your face and ears go red from cold. The sky was foggy with clouds as they reflected all the city lights back down. You missed the clear darkness of the country, but you also wouldn't give up the sight of the snow covered city for anything. April had left the things on her fire escape, so you and Leo were headed home in no time.

"Leo" You call "Can we make one stop?"

"Of course" Leo smiles, knowing where you wanted to be.

There was one rooftop that you loved to be on. It had a nice view of the city, but was high enough that you could see a few stars on clear nights. Its roof was flat and large, and no one would be able to get up there without a ladder. You;d found it one day and it became your place to be when you needed some space. Leo had gone with you a number of times and knew it was the place to find you when you needed time to think. Dropping back, Leo let you take the lead and soon enough you were standing on the edge of a perfectly snowed roof. No one had touched the white powder and you took great pleasure in making the first footprints. Reaching the midpoint of the roof, you turn your gaze to the sky and stare into the snowing clouds. You let your mind wander as your eyes take in the beauty of the falling ice flakes. To your delight, a break in the clouds showers you in the cold blue light of the winter moon. You look over at Leo and find him smiling at you. You smile back and gesture for him to come and stand next to you. Something about having his warmth beside you made that moment feel all the more special. Something about being able to share it with him made it so much better than if you'd been alone. You make a mental note to bring Leo back with you for the times that you needed to get out, but didn't want to be alone. You appreciated that Leo understood what this place was to you and that you needed quiet and him to just be there. He didn't do anything other than what you asked of him. You smile into your scarf and try to calm the pitter pattering of your heart.

"Ready to go?" Leo asks softly a little bit later

"Just one more thing" You smile

"And that would be?" He asks

"Catching a few snowflakes" You grin

Leo stares at you like you're nuts, but also with a look of curiosity. You grin and take a step back from him. Looking to the sky once more, you open your mouth and stick your tough out into the chilly air. A few seconds later, you feel the icy cold touches of a small snowflake. You catch a few more before deciding you'd made yourself look like enough of a child. When you look back, you find Leo watching you with a look on his face. His eyes seem to shine in a different way. In a way that made you feel all warm inside, but you weren't sure what you were seeing.

"Sorry" You blush "I had to"

"Don't" Leo smiles "It was cute and looked like fun. Maybe I'll join you next time"

"Ok" You smile, happy that your little game hasn't made things weird. "I'm good to go home whenever you are"

"Then home we shall go" Leo says

The next few weeks rush by in a blur. You kept yourself super busy preparing for the wonderful day and teaching the boys what should be done. You smile as they all get attached to different things because you know those will be the things they will continue to do as the years go on. Before you know it, it's the night before Christmas. You're in your room finishing the final touches on your gifts before carefully wrapping them. You chuckle as you fold the delicate paper. You knew pretty much what everyone was doing for everyone else because none of them knew how to warp anything and came to you with pleas for help. Everyone but Leo that is. He asked to watch you wrap a few things, and then said he would give it a try on his own. You assumed he'd succeeded as he'd not come back asking for more help yet. There was time, but you doubted it. Leo was one to do things on his own if at all possible. You both admired and hated that fact about him. Asking for help isn't a weakness and you wished that he would let you help out more, but you also kind of understood his need to do things himself. You just didn't know why everything had to be done that way. You sigh with contentment as you tape the last fold into place. Time to place them under the tree and get to bed.

Walking into the dojo, you smile as the Christmas lights that had been woven into the branches greet you. You pick out all the handmade ornaments that everyone has been making over the last few weeks. Pictures, clay, metal and paper dot the tree and make it feel like Christmas even though it wasn't a normal evergreen. Placing your gifts at the base, you decide that sitting there in the quiet might be a good idea before the next day arrives and bringing chaos with it. Finding a good spot, you lean back against a wall and gaze at the tree. The dancing lights and soft glow of the tree lull you into a sleepy state. One in which you don't care to move, even if it meant a much more comfortable bed.

"Y/N?" A soft voice says

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