Hugs and Tears

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I watch Y/N get up and leave the room. She is fighting tears again. I know that she doesn't like to cry in front of people, but I can't let her go off on her own. I get up and Raph gives me a nod, knowing what is going through my head. I follow her down the hall. She doesn't notice me following her. I want to call out, but I have to content myself with knowing I'm nearby if Y/N needs me. I watch her gently replace the diary back in its place and take another look around the room. Her eyes are glazed over, lost in thought. She slowly spins, her eyes tracking something I can't see. She catches sight of me and I can see so many things in her eyes. The sadness and tears that are begging to be set free, but also a determination to hold it all back and show me that she's fine. I do the only thing I can, I pull Mikey and take three steps forward and pull her into a hug. She lets go and I can feel her softly shaking as she cries. All I can do is hold her tight and wait until she's ready to talk.

Your POV

You see Leo standing in the doorway. You do your best to swallow the lump in your throat and tell him you were ok. But no words would come out. You don't want to cry, but if you had to, you were glad it was Leo who had followed you and not one of the others. Without a word, Leo steps towards you and enfolds you in a a hug. Tears spill out of your eyes as you cry softly into Leo's chest. The part of you that was fighting to regain control of you emotions, crumbles in the warm embrace.

"She went through so much, and yet was able to stay strong" You whisper when your voice comes back. "She lost her legs, her Mom and her health but she still kept going as though everything would get better."

"She was an amazing girl" Leo says rubbing your back in small circles

"She was able to handle all of that, why can't I handle this?" You question

"You've handled what you've been through better than most people would" Leo says "You never let the events of the past year take away your smile"

"But I keep losing control" You say, pulling away "It's been a year, I've accepted what happened and yet I'm still crying. She was younger than me and went through so much more and still was able to keep it together better than I am."

"There's no shame in crying Y/N" Leo says wiping the tears from your face "It shows that you're human and that you have a heart. Being able to cry isn't something that everyone can do"

"Sometimes I wish I was one of those people" You say

"No you don't" Leo says "It makes dealing with certain things harder. Crying is can be an emotional release"

"You're starting to sound like Donnie" You crack a small smile

"That's how he explained it to me once" Leo shrugs, happy to see your smile returning. "Feeling better?"

"A bit" You say "Thanks for being here"

"You know I'm here anytime you need me" Leo smiles "Would you like to stay for a bit longer? Or should we head back now?"

"Maybe another minute or two" You say "Why did you follow me?"

"I wanted to make sure you were ok" Leo smiles "I'll always be there when you need me"

"Thanks Leo" You smile "I think I'm good to go back now"

"After you" Leo says

You take one last look around and aside from a few dusty footprints the room was exactly the way you found it.

"I hope your father was able to join you and the rest of your family and your all happy and whole." You whisper into the empty room before softly closing the door.

"We have a few more pieces to the puzzle now" Donnie says, breaking the silence "And now we know that we have to head to the backyard to find the rest of them.

"Let's get going then." Leo says, standing up.

"I hope your father made it to you and the rest of your family and your all happy and whole." You whisper into the empty room before softly closing the door.

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