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Your POV

The lock to you cell clicks and the door creaks open.

"Shredder wants to see you" Kari says walking towards you. "I don't like the sound of that." You think as Kari pulls you to your feet and binds your hands once again.

With Kari in front and ninjas behind you are led down many dark hallways. Kari stops in front on a large door and opens it without a noise. She pushes you ahead of her. The room was large with a path down the middle and water on either sides. A shadow in the water catches you eye but vanishes before you can identify it. Kari stops you from going any further. You look up to see a platform like thing at the front of the room with a huge window behind it. A large chair that reminded you of a throne sat atop it. A shadowed figure sat and the moonlight streamed in making it impossible to tell what was sitting in the chair.

"How do you know the turtles?" A deep voice from the chair asks.

You find yourself unable to say a word out of fear.

"Answer me!!" The voice yells at you.

You open your mouth and try to respond but fear still won't let go of your vocal cords. Out of the shadows steps a large animal. As it nears you realize that it's a rhinoceros walking on two legs and carrying a gun.

"I don't know the turtles!" You manage to squeak.

"Rocksteady!" Shredder booms.

The rhinoceros backs away. Shredder's shadowed figure rises and walks towards you. As he nears you see a man in amour. A helmet with a pronged top tried to hid a nasty scar on his face. He circles you.

"Then why were you found in the building where the turtles were?" He asks as he looms over you.

"I um heard noises and got curious." You mange to whisper " I thought it was another Halloween haunted house."

Shredder looks you straight in the eyes. You can't hold his gaze for long and your eyes sink to your shoes. You can still feel his eyes boring into you.

"Kari take her back to her cell." Shredder orders "She may still be of some use to us."

You find yourself back in a cell. Sitting down, you hug your knees to your chest. Will I never learn to listen to my continence?" You mentally slap yourself.

"If I had I would be safe and sound at home. What use am I to Shredder anyway?" More questions swirl in your mind and you drift off.

You open you eyes hours later, your muscles stiff and sore from sleeping on the cold ground.Your eyes focus in on a stone gray ceiling. Everything comes rushing back, memories of the previous night crowd into you mind. Along with them come all the question that had you utterly lost. You get up and start to pace, but then sit down again after a few minutes. The last thing you wanted to do was draw attention to yourself and be brought before The Shredder again.

You'd been awake for close to two hours before you saw anyone.

"Why are you so special to the turtles?" Kari asks " I've never see them try to protect someone like that except for April."

"I don't know. I heard a noise and my curiosity got the better of me." You say " That night was the first time I had ever seen them in my life."

"You won't..." Kari begins to day but a noise from the upper level catches her attention and she run up the stairs leaving you alone with your thoughts once again.

The noise increases soon afterwards. You can hear sounds of fighting. You assume a mock fight has been started for training. You hear a very soft creak of a door. You peer through the bars of your cell to see a large shadowed figure walking towards you.

Leo's POV

I rush down the stairs towards the dungeon. I have to hurry before anyone notices I'm gone and comes down. There is a light at the bottom of the stairs and I hear voices. I stop just before I hit the last step and try to determine how many foot soldiers are down there.

"Why do we have to stay here?"

"Because Master Shredder put us on guard duty to watch for those turtles."

"But our shift was done hours ago!"

"Quit complaining! You're making the time pass slower with all your wining."

I don't hear anyone else so I take a risk and peek around the door. And of course they were both facing the door.

"Turtle!" the short one yells

"I can see that" The slightly taller one says in annoyance

"This is not your lucky day." I say lunging at them, katana drawn.

I soon have them out cold and tied up. They put up a better fight than I thought they would.

I grab the keys from ones belt and turn around to see a girl in (Costume you chose). She stares at me with wide curious eyes.

"Hi. My name is Leonardo." I say slowly approaching the cell "I'm here to get you out and get you to safety. What's your name?"

"Y/N" She says slowly standing up. "Why did you come for me?"

"As I said, to get you out," I say opening the cell door.

"But why?" She asks again "You don't know me, and the people up top obviously don't like you or the other turtles you were with."

"We couldn't leave someone in their hand to be pumped for information they didn't have." I say "I promise to answer your questions when we get outside and away from this place. I'm going to have to carry you, ok?'

It takes a minute to two before she nervously nods. I pick her up and rush out of the building as fast as I can. Once I get far enough away, I set her down.

"Are we safe now?" She asks

"For now." I say pulling out my t-phone "I Just need to contact my brothers to say that we're out."

"Is that what all that noise was about? And they the other turtles I saw at the warehouse?" She questions

"Yes and yes. They'll meet us back at the lair." I say

"Wait, I can't go home?" She says slowly backing away like she might run.

"You will." I say quickly, not wanting her to think she was still a prisoner "But they'll be looking for you so you'll have to lay low for a few days until we determine if they know who you are and where you live."

"And if they do?" She says

"We'll figure it out." I say "Besides if you come back with me I'll be able to answer all your questions."

"True." She says slightly relaxing "Where do you live?"

"In the sewers. " I say leading her to the fire escape. "Don't worry it's a lot nicer than it sounds."

"OK" She says following me down the steps.

I lead her down and we are soon joined by the others. We spend the next while telling her our story and answering her questions before she passed out on the couch.

A New Home ( TMNT Leonardo love story)Where stories live. Discover now