Unsteady Ground

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Your POV

You walk over and open the first door.

"What's in there?" Mikey asks.

You open the door wider and walk in slowly testing the floor as you go.

"Wow, this must have been a beautiful sitting room." You whisper in awe.

It was a large sitting room as you would see in an old victorian movie. The back wall was lined with bookshelves, a few high back chairs sat in the middle of the room in a half circle around a coffee table. In front of the chairs sat a huge fireplace. Like everything else the carpet was covered in dust but you could still see that at one time it was gorgeous.

"UGH. More books." Raph groans. "Let's get out of here before Donnie cracks open a book, or else we'll never get out of here."

Despite the fact that you were walking through a run down haunted mansion, your thoughts kept returning to your parents and the flash drive nestled in your pocket.

"You ok?" Leo asks, breaking your train of thought.

"Yeah, Why?" You ask

"It just looked like something was bugging you." Leo says " what are you thinking about?"

"Just something my parents left me." You say

"If you don't mind me asking, what was it?" Leo inquires

"A flash drive" You say

" What was on it?" Leo asks

"Not sure yet" You say " The file on it is encoded several different ways. I've only Managed to crack part of it."

"Maybe you should show Donnie." Leo suggests.

'April already suggested that." You sigh "I just haven't gotten around to it yet."

You all slowly follow Leo down the hall. The boards creak beneath your feet in an unsettling way,

"Hold" Leo says stopping.

"What's wrong?" Raph asks

"The floor here feels weak." Leo says " I don't think that we should all cross at the same time."

"I vote Mikey goes first." Raph smirks

"Don't start that again"Leo groans. "I'll go first."

Leo makes his way across the weak section. The boards creak and groan so loudly that you're sure he will fall through at any moment. He stops about 15 feet away and motions for the next person to come over.

Raph follows and makes it across with no trouble.

"I'll go next."You say deciding on the spur of the moment.

"Ok.' Donnie says. "Just make sure you watch where you put your feet."

You push your fear of falling away determined not to let it show now.

"You jump rooftops."You mumble to yourself. " This is nothing."

You take a few tentative steps forward wincing each time the floor creaked. You were only a few steps from Leo and Raph when there's a loud crack and all solid matter under your feet disappears.

Raph and Leo lunge forwards, grab your arms and pull you up. Thankfully you had been close enough to the edge to do so. You sit there gasping for air. You now know what it means when people say their life flashed before their eyes.

"You ok Y/N?" Leo asks.

"Yeah I think I'm good." You say. "Thanks to you and Raph."

"No problem." Raph says.

"Is the floor stable enough for Mickey and I to jump across?" Donnie calls from across the gap.

"Yeah you should be good." Leo calls back.

You back away from the hole as Donnie and Mickey make the jump. Once all were on the other side your breathing eased.

"You ok?" Leo asks again

"I'm fine" You say "Just happy that no one fell through the floor this time."

"This time?" Leo asks

"If the floor feels weak there, I'm willing to bet that it's weak in other places" You say

"I wonder why though" Leo says "It looks like a pretty sturdy place"

"This is a pretty old place" You say "I wasn't expecting it to be me to fall through the floor though."

"Are you calling us fat?" Leo asks in mock horror

"Maayyybbeee" You tease "Just kidding, but you guys are heavier than me"

"It's because of the shell" Leo says "And all the muscle"

"Keep telling yourself that" You stick your tongue out

"Says the girl who fell through the floor" Leo rolls his eyes

"Hey!" You exclaim "You and Raph weakened the floor by walking over it first."

"Keep telling yourself that" Leo smirks, throwing your words back

You laugh and punch him in the shoulder.

"Hey! Save that fire for the ghosts" Leo says, rubbing his arm

"Mikey?" You say in mock confusion "Why are you wearing Leo's mask?''

"Ha ha, very funny" Leo says

"I know I am" You smirk

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