Next Morning Revelations

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You awake to an unfamiliar smell. You had slept soundly for a few hours but had woken in the early hours of the morning. At first you'd panicked but the memories of the previous day slowly came back. You relaxed a little but not enough to fall back into a deep sleep, and had been dozing until the smell woke you up. You slowly got up and headed towards the smell and noise. You walk into a mismatched kitchen and four giant green turtles.

"Good morning Y/N." The blue masked one smiles."Don't worry, we don't expect you to remember our names after last night. I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo. And this is Donatello or Donnie, Michelangelo or Mikey and Raphael or Raph"

Leo points to each turtle in turn. You try to match the names to the mask colors.

"Thank you for everything you did yesterday." You say

"No problem Y/N" Donnie says "I was kinda our fault anyways."

"Well the past is the past." Leo says " Would you like some breakfast Y/N?"

"That would be lovely. Thanks." You say sitting down at the counter style table. A plate of eggs is placed in front of you and you dig in. "Delicious." You say. "What is in these?"

"Cheese and pepperoni." Mikey grins. "My bros wouldn't let me make pizza for breakfast so I improvised."

"There the best eggs I've ever had." You say quickly finishing off the plate."I don't mean to be rude but when may I go home?"

"We can take you home today as soon as the sun sets" Leo says "But we'll keep an eye on you and stay in contact for a few days to make sure nothing will happen."

"But I don't have a phone anymore." You say

"Don't worry we have that covered." Donnie says handing you a turtle shell shaped phone. "This is a t-phone. It already has all our numbers in it just in case."

"Do you really think Shredder will come after me again?" You ask examining the new device

"Maybe, maybe not." Raph says "You can never tell what a crazy madman will do. Especially if he thinks you know us"

"Right." You say "So why does he want to get you guys so much?"

"Long story short." Donnie says "He and Master Splinter are enemies and Shredder has been out to get Splinter for years."

"OK." You say "what sort of things do you guys do? You don't just beat up bad guys do you?"

"Nope!" Mikey says "we do tons of other things. Like video games and skateboarding. We also have friends named April and Casey who visit."

"Do you know her?" Donnie asks.

"Not really." You say "I've done a few reports with her but other than that I don't know anything about her."

"Y/N, do you wanna play a videogame?" Mikey asks suddenly.

"Sure." You say following Mikey back to the couch room. "How did you guys get all this stuff?"

"Donnie's a wiz with gadgets!" Mikey says handing you a controller. "He found most of this stuff in the dump and fixed it."

"Cool." You say. Mikey turns on the tv and it is tuned into the news.

"Mikey can you wait a minute?" You ask as a picture of your house pops on the screen.

"Sure thing Dudette." Mikey says plopping down beside you.

(News anchor.) " Repeating our top story. (your address), in the middletown area burned down last night. Reports say the fire department was called around 2am. They were not able to save the building or the two people still inside. Now to Peggy who is with the neighbor who called in the fire."

Peggy-"Thanks. I'm here with Mrs. Spencer. What happened last night?"

Mrs. Spencer- "Well around 2 am I woke up to smoke. The wind was blowing it through my bedroom window. I got up and looked out to the the L/N"s house all ablaze. I woke my husband and he had me call the fire department. It's awful what happened to them. Nothing like that has ever happened around here."

Peggy- "What were Mr and Mrs.L/N like?"

Mrs. Spencer- "Oh they were the nicest people! Their work often took them away from home so they would ask people around the neighbourhood to look after Y/N. She's a sweet girl. I hope she has someone to be with her."

Peggy- "Thank you Mrs.Spencer. Back to you in the studio."

"I need to go home." You say standing up.

"You can't leave now" Leo says "This is what Shredder wants. You'll be caught for sure."

"But I need to!!" You say on the verge of tears "I need to see them. and tell people that I'm ok. And get the fire safe."

"You can call your neighbour and see whats going on." Donnie says "Then we can make a plan of how to get you there safely."

"Why can't we just go talk to her?" You ask "No one would hurt and old lady."

"Don't be so sure." Raph says "Shredder has been known to do anything to find out info on us and Splinter."

You call Mrs. Spencer and reassure her you're Ok and that you're staying with good friends. She tells you that the police found the fire safe and have it down at the station, and that they would like to to come in and talk with them when you pick it up.

"Is this doable?" You ask after telling the turtles the new info? "Or would Shredder attack a police station too?"

"He might." Leo says

"But if we go during the day the chances are very low." Donnie says

"We can get you very close to the station and then we can have April and Casey watch from up top and we can wait in the ally." Donnie says

"Can we go now?" You ask

"Just let me call April and Casey and we'll see." Donnie says pulling out his t-phone.

"While we wait on that do you want to play that game?" Mikey asks "Or I can show you the rest of the place."

A New Home ( TMNT Leonardo love story)Where stories live. Discover now