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"Leaving you guys" You repeat, praying no one had caught your near slip

"No, I meant what you were about to say?" Raph asks a knowing smirk on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about" You say, a blush starting to creep up your cheeks

"Awwww, come on Y/N" Mikey says "We know it was about Leo."

"No it wasn't!" You deny, fighting to keep your blood pressure down

"Don't worry Y/N" Donnie chuckles "We all know."

"Know what?" You squeak

"'Bout your feelings for Fearless" Raph continues to smirk

"I don't know what you're talking about" You say in one last ditch attempt to get them to drop it

"Tell Leo Y/N" Mikey advises

"Tell me what?" Leo asks, re-entering the room

"Nothing important" You cover a little to quickly

"Ok....." Leo says, not pushing the subject "Y/N? Can I talk to you alone?"

"Sure thing" You say, eager to get Leo away from the other turtles and any more possible slips.

Leo leads you to the dojo and shuts the door behind him.

"What's up?" You ask

"Do you have to go?" Leo asks

"Yeah. I mean, it's definitely what I want, and it's something I've wanted for a long time. So I think it is something I have to do." You say, fumbling through your words.

"Way to go Y/N" You mentally face palm "Sound anymore stupid why don't you?"

Leo nods at your answer. "I'm sure nothing I say could convince you to stay then," he says.

"Try asking me to stay." You think, knowing full well Leo can't read your mind, but wishing nonetheless that he would.

"And since there's nothing I can say, I'll just give you this instead." Leo says, handing you a small box "Consider this a goodbye present."

"Awwww, Leo" You smile, taking the box.

You rip off the wrapping paper to find a small jewelry box. Opening it, you find a silver crescent moon on a slender silver chain.

"Oh Leo, it's beautiful," You gasp. And it was beautiful. It was beautiful without being over-the-top. It was simple and elegant "It's perfect"

"I was going to give it to you for Christmas" Leo says "But you're leaving before then, so I thought it was now or never."

"Never?" You say "Oh come on, that's a bit dramatic dontcha think? I'll be back."

"But you don't know when that will be," Leo says, sounding genuinely worried, "and neither of us knows for sure how things will turn out once you're out there."

"Hey, don't worry so much. After all, you couldn't find a reason to keep me away even if you tried," You smile, "You guys are my family and you all mean so much to me. If I thought I'd never see you again I wouldn't go."

You look back to the necklace still in your hand and change topics, "What does the moon mean?"

A New Home ( TMNT Leonardo love story)Where stories live. Discover now