First Code

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Continuing down the hall, something catches your attention. A smell you couldn't quiet place. It was familiar and stale. It didn't set off any alarms in your head, but the name wouldn't come to you. Mikey seemed to have caught onto the same thing that you did. His eyes were, bright alert and very much interested. It must have something to do with food. Mikey only gets that look with food and TV shows and there were definitely no working tvs in this place.

"Chinese!" Mikey exclaimed darting into one of the rooms.

"Mikey we need to stay together!" Leo calls after him.

You follow Mikey into a room that is covered with old take out boxes.

"Who do you suppose has been here?" Donnie asks.

Leo pauses at the window. "It looks like this room could be a good surveillance point."

You look out and see what he means. You have a perfect view of the front of the house and a bit down the road.

"When do you think they were last here?" You ask.

"Couldn't have been that long ago." Donnie says " The smell wouldn't last longer than a day or two."

"All these boxes are making me hungry." Mickey says

"Gross" You mutter and internally gag. The thought of the boxes being here so long and the amount of little animals that could've and probably had been there made you not so hungry anymore.

"Then I guess this is a good time to take a break." Leo says.

"But then the ghost will find us!" Mikey says, eyes wide, food forgotten.

"For the millionth time there is no ghost." Raph groans. " And if you don't stop soon you'll become a ghost!"

"Ghost or not we need to take a break." Leo says "I have a feeling that we're going to be busy all night.

You all head into the next room where it was much cleaner. Still put off by the old food smell and such, you sit down and pull the flash drive from your pocket and insert it into the T-phone. The device could be a bit Clunky at times, but you had to hand it to Donnie, he'd packed everything into the mobile.

"Need any help?" Donnie says sitting down next to you.

"Is it that obvious?" You ask.

"Sort of." Donnie says " You've been on that thing for five minutes and already you have a look of frustration."

" Thanks Donnie. I would love some help." You say handing him your phone.

"So what are we looking at?" Donnie asks.

"Remember the box of stuff I got from my parent?" You say

"Yeah but wasn't it just Some personal affects?" Donnie asks

"Yes, but at the bottom I found this flash drive." You say " I think it's their final letter to me, but the entire thing is encoded."

"Coded how?" Donnie inquires

"Codes that my parents taught me." "At least some of them are. Unfortunately I don't recognize most of them. I think they were planning on teaching them to me. Point being, I can't read most of this.

"Let's see If I can change that." Donnie says as he begins to read.

Donnie had gotten further than you had anticipated in the short time you had been sitting there. You were able to read a lot more of the file, but there seemed to be other codes hidden within the more complex ones.

"Here Y/N." Donnie says handing the phone back to you. "Why don't you read what we've got so far? If you let me borrow the flash drive when we get back to the lair I'll be able to crack the rest of the codes."

"Can you not get further now?" You ask.

"Not really." Donnie says "I'm going to need a proper keyboard for some of this coding."

"Ok." You smile. " Thanks for helping me Donnie."

"Anytime Y/N." Donnie smiles and leaves you alone to read.

You pour over the new information. Your heart fluttering with anticipation and dread. You were excited to read the letter they left, but it also hurt, this was the last thing you had from them. Reading it kinda felt like you were finally accepting that they were gone for good. The words before you brought both tears and a smile. Donnie Managed to decode the first part of their letter and the Warm and loving words felt like a big hug from them both. As you read further down, you begin to grow confused. The letter grew more formal.

"Whatcha reading Y/N?" Mikey asks, sitting down next to you.

"Part of a letter from my parents" You say

"Why only part of it?" Mikey asks

"The file was coded and no unfortunately the rest had yet to be decoded" You say " Donnie said he'd need his laptop to do the rest"

"What file?" Raph asks joining the conversation.

You proceed to fill in all four of them about the box and it's contents.

"Wow. They left you quite a bit in that box" Mikey says "What was in the letter?"

"You can't ask her something like that!" Leo smacks him on the back of the head

"It's ok Leo" You say "The part I can read was them telling me how much they loved me."

"The part you can read?" Mikey asks

"It's the file that was coded" You say "I can't read it"

"Would you mind if I took a look?" Leo asks

"I guess so" You say, handing him your phone "Donnie was able to get through the first layer, but not the second. It looks familiar, but I can't place it."

"I think I know what your missing" Leo says

"You know what it is?" You ask

"I have an idea" Leo says "I think it's a code that Captain Ryan uses. Or at least something close to it."

"Right!" You almost yell "I forgot about the first one!"

"What?" Donnie asks

"I forgot about one of the codes I was taught" You say "One of the very first ones that I learned. It's super simple and yet looks super complex. I assumed that since the rest of it was made of the harder ones I learned, this one would be too."

"What do you need to decode it?" Mikey asks '

"Paper or another phone" You say

"Here, you can use mine" Leo says

"Thanks" You smile

A New Home ( TMNT Leonardo love story)Where stories live. Discover now