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3rd person POV

"There's no one here Bert." A voice says. "It was probably that squirrel again"

"But I coulda sworn that I heard a voice." Another voice says. "And there is no way a squirrel would make a hole in the floor like that."

"They guys probably did they the last time they checked the list and didn't tell anyone" guy #1 says "That floor has been threatening to break for weeks"

"I still have a feeling that we should check things out" Guy #2 says

"Ok. Fine " The first guy says "But only on this floor. The stairs to the third floor are too unstable."

Leo's heart beats a little fast when he hears that. He wasn't worried about his hiding place, he knew he was safe, but he was worried about you. You was still in the learning to hide in the shadows properly. It wasn't that you were bad at it, but your skills could still use some work.

"Maybe I should tail them and make sure they don't find her" Leo thinks

Raph spots his brothers movement and catches his attention. He shakes his head, knowing what his brother is probably thinking. Raph signals Leo to stay put. Leo internally sighs, he knows Raph is right. Leo's a very skilled ninja, but even he can't predict all the creaky floorboards. He guesses he'll have to wait till the guys leave.

Your POV

You hear the two men slowly move down the hall. Fifteen painful minutes later you hear receding footsteps down the stairs. You slowly count to a hundred and exit your hiding place.

"Donnie?" You whisper "Mikey? Where are you?"

"I'm here Y/N." Donnie says walking over to your hiding spot.

"Where did those men go?" You ask.

"Not sure." Donnie says. "All I know is that they went back downstairs, but where, I have no idea."

"What happened to Mikey?" You ask

"His hiding spot was close to mine." Donnie says. "So when the men left I told him to hide by the stairs and watch for anyone else. We should find Leo and Raph."

"I'll check the room that the compartment is in." You say.

"Ok." Donnie says. "Shout if you need me. But not to loud."

"Will do." You smile.

You slowly continued down the hall, stepping as softly as you can. You freeze at the sound of creaking wood. "Don't get paranoid Y/N." You scold yourself.

Slowly entering the room you call for your friends. "Leo, Raph? You here?"

You hear a soft thump behind you. Spinning around, you unsheath your cat claws. But a hand grabs your arm, stopping you from doing any harm.

"You ok?" Raph asks.

"Yeah. Just a little on edge." You say.

"Where are Donnie and Mikey?" Leo asks

"Mikey is hiding by the stairs on guard" You say "And Donnie was looking in another room for you guys in case you split up."

"Ok. Raph you and Y/N go and find Donnie." Leo says. "I'll go get Mikey. We'll meet back in the room you were in Y/N"

"OK." You say heading off in the direction that Donnie headed.

Peeking into each room, you and Raph quickly searched the floor.

"Hey Donnie." You say fining him in a room covered in newspaper clippings. " Leo wants us to meet back in the original room we gathered in."

"I'll be with you guys in a minute." Donnie says still reading.

"Ok" You say "What are you looking at?"

"Just looking at these newspapers." Donne says

"What's so interesting about them?" You ask

"All of the clippings are about one doctor as he saves people and rises in the ranks of the hospital." Donne says "There is also an article about an accident that paralyzed a little girl."

"What happened?" you ask.

"The only thing it says, is it was an unfortunate accident." Donnie says.

"You guys coming or what?" Raph calls from the doorway.

"Coming." You say heading to the door. "Don just found a few interesting facts."

"Reading again!?" Rap groans

"I'm done." Donnie says following you out. " and that reading just gave y/n and I a clue to what may have happened here."

The three of you head back to the office where the others were waiting.

"What took so long?" Mikey asks

"Donnie was reading again." Raph says leaning against the desk.

"Did you find out anything?" Leo asks

"Sort of." Donnie says "All I really found out was that the man who lived here was a very well known doctor and that he kept newspaper clippings of all his successes and failures."

"Oh! Don't forget the article about the little girl!" You say

"Oh yeah." Donnie nods "There was an article about an accident that happened in the hospital, and a little girl was severely hurt."

"So how is that relevant?" Leo asks

"It isn't" You say " The article had no mention of the doctor in it, only a very short thing about the girl being hurt"

"Donnie, would you be able to access the newspaper archives and look this up?" Leo asks

"And why will that help us figure out why there are men in the basement?" Raph asks

"It doesn't." Donnie says typing on his tablet.

"Do you really think you'll be able to leave tomorrow without trying to find out what happened to the people that lived here?" You ask "I know I won't"

"I wouldn't be able to either." Leo agrees

"The ghost will haunt us if we don't!" Mikey says looking behind him as if the ghost should be there.

"There is no ghost Mikey!" Donnie huffs "But I don't like the idea of leaving without all the info either."

"Well when you put it that way...." Raph says rolling his eyes "How do we continue?"

"I can't find the article or any reference to the girl on the paper archives." Donnie says looking up from the device. " We'll have to do a search and see if we can find anything else."

"OK everyone." Leo says "We go in two groups, Raph, Y/N and Donnie you guys search for the next floor. Mikey and I will do the rooms down here and double check the ones we've already looked in."

"Text us in about an hour and we'll meet upstairs to compare what we've found." Donnie says

"Just be careful on the stairs." You say "One of the guys that came upstairs said he wouldn't go to the third floor as the stairs were unsafe."

"This whole place is unsafe." Raph grumbles

"Well we'd better get moving." Donnie says swinging his bag back on his shoulder.

"Come on Raph." You say following Donnie to the door.

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