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"Does anyone recognize that logo?" You ask "I know it, but can't put my finger on it"

"I saw it on tv" Mikey says

"Where?" Raph asks

"Not sure" Mikey says "I was flipping through trying to find something good to watch"

"Got it!" You grin "The news"

"What?" Leo asks

"It was on the news" You explain "It's the logo for the main drug gang around here. We need to tell the......"

Leo gestures for you to stop talking and points behind you and Donnie. You spin around to see about eight large unhappy men with weapons.

"Oops" You say

"What do we have here?" The leader (or so you assume) asks, stepping forwards

"Trick or treat?" Mikey says

"Is that so?" Leader says "What might your names be?"

"Sorry" Leo stand up "Our Dad told us to never give our names to strangers"

"That's too bad" Another guy grins "What should we do with them Moriarty sir?"

"You idiot!" Moriarty punches him in the gut "You never use my name in front of outsiders"

Your heart jumps. No one had ever met Moriarty and lived long enough to tell the cops what he looked like.

"What should we do with them sir?" Goon #2 asks

"The better have no pulse and out of my sight by time the trucks are ready to move out" Moriarty snarls, heading back to his office

The five of you pull out your weapons ready for a fight.

"Sorry sweetie" Goon #2 says "These aren't from a costume shop"

"Neither are mine" You smirk

Goon #2 (who shall be dubbed Tony) lunges at you. With four swift moves, Tony is on the floor and moaning in pain.

"Who's next?" Raph grins

The rest of the men pull out a variety of weapons and charge your team.

"No one gets up the stairs!" Leo orders

"On it!" You call, heading to guard the stairs.

The fight doesn't last as long as you would have thought. Yeah all of you were highly trained, but you kinda expected more from thugs from Moriarty's gang. You, Donne and Mikey tie up the now out cold men while Leo and Raph head into the office to tie up the leader.

"Please tell me he was still there" You say

"Where else would he be?" Raph asks "We all watched him go in there"

"Mob bosses always seem to have hidden escape doors" You say

"Unless you've been hunting down mob bosses in your spare time, I think you've been watching to many FBI shows" Raph says

"What do we do now?" Mikey asks

"We call the cops and hide" Leo says

"You know they're going to search the house" Donnie says "We're going to have to leave it"

"I don't think they'll do a full sweep" Leo says "It's only four in the morning, they'll probably wait until the sun comes up to do their sweep instead of bringing in flood lights"

The five of you avoid the police by hiding in the further back rooms on the second floor. When light begins to creep through the windows, Leo leads you all outside and to a grouping of trees on the front lawn. You all hung around until 9 like you promised, but Casey never shows up.

"He probably wasn't able to get past all the cop cars" You say "He wouldn't have a good reason for coming up here."

"I bet he didn't try" Raph rolls his eyes

"What do we do?" Mikey asks

"What if we took a picture with a timestamp?" You suggest

"Do you think he would buy that?" Leo asks "Donnie probably could fake something like that"

"Childs play" Donnie scoffs

"What if we got a picture with the cop cars in the shot?" You ask "Then if he did try he'd know that we were really here."

"That should work" Donnie says

"Best plan we have" Leo shrugs

"Hurry up" Raph says "We've been here twenty minutes longer then we had to, I should be in bed by now."

"Calm down beauty queen, we'll be back at the lair soon enough" You roll your eyes

You wanted to get back to your bed ASAP too, but there was no way that with everything you'd been through last night, were you going to risk losing this bet. You directed the boys and took tons of pictures. There was no way Casey would be able to say that you lost.

A New Home ( TMNT Leonardo love story)Where stories live. Discover now