Location, Location, Location

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"So what have you been up to for the past five years?" Donnie asks

"Classified" You say

"Awwww. Come one Y/N" Mikey pouts "That is such a movie thing to say."

"And it's one of the things that is actually accurate" You say "Look, I promise to tell you guys what I can, but it can wait till later."

"We have time now" Donnie points out

"You two have gotten more sleep than Raph, but that doesn't mean you've had enough."You counter "Don't deny it, I can see it."

"Then why didn't you put sleeping stuff in our water?" Mikey asks

"I did" You say "And if my measurements are right, you should be feeling it about now."

"Don't you dare go on your own Y/N" Donnie yawns, fighting his rapidly closing eyes.

"Yeah dudette" Mikey agrees "Leo will..."

"Typical Mikey" You chuckle, as the youngest turtle passes out mid sentence.

You glance over at Donnie and see that the genius had also succumbed to sleep. You do a quick assessment to make sure all were safe in their current sleeping positions before turning back to your computer. You may have been lying about how long your search would take. In reality you already have a pretty good idea of where Shredder could be keeping Leo. The CIA and the FBI had been tracking and building up intel on a huge gang in New York for years. They didn't know who or what they were dealing with because they could never get close. There was one person that managed to get in and start leaking information, but a few days after his first and final info drop, he was found dead in an alley. It was made to look like a mugging gone bad, but you knew better. Amid the intel he was able to collect, was an address. The agent wasn't able to say exactly what was stored there, but most people referred to it as 'Freak Storage'. It was the best place for you to start your search.

You push your chair back from the desk, get up and head for your room. This mission may be a stealth op., but you were going to need the full arsenal. You pull the fabric of your neko-te case out and grab the F/C mask. Mikey had made it for you for your first stealth mission with the team. You wore it as a headband every time you went out with the guys. You have it wrapped around a few old ninja stars and knives. You pull your hair up into a tight ponytail and strap on a few lighter pieces of your body armor. Your handgun goes on your hip and a few clips on your belt. You check on the sleeping mutants (and possibly snag a few of their ninja stars) and slip out the window. You'd left a note for each of them taped to their foreheads (blame Mikey for that as he'd done it to you before) detailing where you were going. With any luck, you would find Leo and get out of there before they woke up. If not, and things went south, they would know where to find both of you.

The place isn't that far from yours, but it still takes you about half an hour to find the entrance. You find the place strangely light on guards.

"Their mistake" You shrug, using your sleeping serum coated claws to deal with the ones you couldn't sneak past

"Shredder, you really have outdone yourself" You mutter upon entering.

The entire place is filled with cages and glass cases. More than half of them were empty, but the ones that held things told you what this twisted building is for.

"His trophy room" You breath

A New Home ( TMNT Leonardo love story)Where stories live. Discover now